Ep 1,2

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After introducing each other, Guangchao embarrassing himself and Du ZiFeng bought all their 300 hotdog to talk with them. They are now sitting inside an office waiting for ZiFeng, a pretty woman comes inside the office with a tray with three cups of tea. "Good looking guys, have some tae" she says with a cute smile"Thanks" the siblings says, "if I may ask what is your name" YuHan ask with a friendly smile making the woman blush, "My name is Amy" she says moving a piece of hair behind her ear. " a pretty name for a pretty woman" YuHan say nicely, "thanks" Amy says with a smile and then turns to Guangchao and the smile is gone. "Sir" she says backing Guangchao from staring at her, she gives him his cup, "please wait for a moment, after the general manager has answered his call, he will be here soon" she says, she gives YuHan another smile before she walks off.

Guangchao then hits YuHan's shoulder, "aww, why did you hit me" she ask confused to why she was hit. "Stop flirting with every girl you meet" he says give her another look. "I wasn't flirting" she mumbles to herself. "She really has a nice figure, she is so feminine" YaNuo says "That's right, rich people's fate are like this. Thay have such sexy women to keep them company every day. That is so good to the eye, I'm envious" Guangchao say making the siblings give him a judging look. YuNuo shake her head, "why do you think Du ZiFeng wants to see us" she ask confused, 'why would he want to see us' YuHan thinks as she drinks some of her tae. "Don't worry, he won't put us in a iron barrel and pour mud in, or throw us in the Pacific Ocean" Guangchao says calmly, YuHan and YaNuo looks at each confused. "Why are you talking about him as if he a triad's boss" YuHan ask just thinking that ZiFeng is the general manager of the park. Guangchao looks around to see if there was anyone shush at them"he is from the triad" he says, "hah" they say not understanding. "You don't know? moreover, he is the best" Guangchao says "I see" YaNuo says, YuHan shakes her head "you are starting to sound like an obsessed fanboy" she says joking.

Just then Guangchao sees that ZiFeng are inside the office and has heard what they had said. "Hello mr.Du" he says standing up, getting YuHan and YaNuo to stand. "You really made th mmmm" he try's to say but is interrupted by YuHan hand shutting his mouth, "please just shut up, before you embarrass yourself even more" she says so done with him trying to get on ZiFeng good side. 'I'm starting to like him" ZiFeng thinks looking at the smell 'guy' with a very small smile.

"Sorry, I was answering a call, please take a seat" ZiFeng says walking to stand behind his table. The three sit back down, "Amy, bring the contact" he say to the phone. Just after Amy comes inside with some papers, "general manager, here are the contact you wanted" she say handing over the papers, "thanks" ZiFeng says and Amy walks off again but not before she gives YuHan another smile.

"Mr.Du why are you looking for us" YaNuo ask. " I would like you three to join my amusement park" ZiFeng says moving to give Guangchao the contact. They are shocked, "it is hard to work outside and you don't have a fixed customer flow. The police can come at anytime to give you a fine, it's a uneconomic" he continues, 'thought I don't wanna believe him, he is right' YuHan thinks. "Therefore, I brought up this idea and hope that you will accept it" he says convicted that they will say yeas.

"But... your rent here is very expensive" Guangchao says worried. "You don't have to worry about that, take a look at the contact" ZiFeng say. The three looks into the contact, "setting up your stall will be rent-free" YuHan reads out loud shocked she looks at ZiFeng "rent-free?" she ask confused 'why would he let us be rent free' she thinks. ZiFeng smile at the look YuHan has on 'his' face, "this is a thanks to YaNuo and you, for helping me" he says. "That's great, hey YuNuo..." Guangchao try's to say but is interrupted by YaNuo "that was just a small matter, we don't need this" she says shocking Guangchao while YuHan nods agreeing with her sister.

"'Given a drop of water when thirsty, we should pay back with a spring when we have the chance' is my principle of life" ZiFeng says, "'be glad to help others for nothing in return' is our principle of life" YuNan says with YaNuo nodding. "So regarding your proposal, we can't accept it" YaNuo say and they starts to walk out, "wait" ZiFeng say moving to stand in front of them, but a little more with YuHan then YaNuo. 'He is really handsome, no YuHan you can think like that' YuHan thinks looking into ZiFengs eyes. 'He is beautiful for a guy' ZiFeng thinks looking at the younger. "So... you are rejecting me" he ask, "that's right" YaNuo say with a smirk. "Mr. Du, if there is no other business, we be taking our leave first" she says and walk out, YuHan give him a last smile before she follows her sister.

"What are you looking at, let's go" YuHan call after Guangchao, wanting him to walk faster. He run up so he walks beside them, "was you two hit on the head just now" he ask. "No" YaNuo says. "No?How can you be like that. Rent-free what an awesome thing" he says. "Moreover he is Du ZiFeng. He isn't Du Zi-E or Du", "Okay we get it he is a awesome guy" YuHan says interrupting him. "How can you two say no and reject such a good opportunity" he says looking over at YaNuo to see that she isn't interested. "Did your ears get hit to, I said so much. Weren't you listening" he says "when one should be firm, he must be firm. This is what a man is" YaNuo says "understand" YuHan hits Guangchao.

"Be gentle, okay? Just because you look like a guy, doesn't mean you have to act like one" he says rubbing the spot where YuHan hit. "But I'm telling you, Du ZiFeng is a man amongst men" "you really are a fanboy" YuHan says rolling her eyes. "He just did this" Guangchao then step forward really close to YuHan, "so are you rejecting me now. And he didn't get mad or turned us into armor blocks. Don't you think he's not only charming but also domineering. If I was a woman, would I stick on him" he says, a hand stopes him from continuing and push him back, "firstly please personal space and secondly you will be one ugly girl" YuHan says while she gives him a look says the she wouldn't be impressed if he suddenly turns into a girl.

She starts to walk again together with YaNuo, "I mean it" he says as he follow after the two girls. "Move the horse is out of control, move aside" a man suddenly yells making the three turn. They see a man on a horse run at full speed towards two women, the older of the woman fall our of the way here the younger fall in front of the horse. YaNuo is the first to react and runs over and get the woman away, they fall onto the ground and roll over until YaNuo is on top of the woman.

"Are you okay?" YaNuo ask, "huh" the woman says, "are you okay" YaNuo ask again. "I'm fine" she says with a nod, they of the ground the girl still has her arms around YaNuo's neck. "Be careful" YaNuo says with small smile, the woman smiles loving at her.

The older woman and ZiFeng look at them "she a gone case, she is smitten" she says with a smirk. They walk over to them, "Du ZiHan...Du Zi Han" she says making her snap out of it and take her hands off YaNuo's shoulders.

"So you found a solid roasted chicken" she ask with a knowing look, ZiHan nod with a smile. "I think so to" she says and turns towards YaNuo, "good looking guy, thank you for saving my daughter" she says. "It was nothing" YaNuo says with a small smile. "What's your name?" She ask ZiHan move some of her hair behind her ear to better listen.

Before YaNuo can say anything, someone yells. "If it isn't Du ZiHan" they all turn to see who it was, it turned out to be none other then YuHan. ZiHan looks first confused then she understands, "Pi YuHan is that really you" she ask happy and walk to give her friend a hug. "Who else could look this good" YuHan says joking hugging ZiHan back.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 03, 2019 ⏰

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