The twenty-first Chapter: Winning DhiNE'S HEART

Start from the beginning

"No halmeoni. I don't want to hear his lies. If he was that sincere, why did he not recognize me then? Or maybe he really recognized me, but he does not really care about what he has done."

Her halmeoni and umma look at each other.

"Okay, we won't force you to talk to him as of now. Your anger must have blinded you."

She does not reply. She waits for the two to go out before she lets her tears fall down. Hanna must be so mad at me right now. Aigoo... I'm really sorry Hanna.

She composes herself before she goes out.

"Yoogeun, come baby boy."

"What appa about?" Yoogeun said as he walks towards his umma.

She glances at Minho. "He is not your appa." She pities her son coz' he really looks confused on what she said.

Minho's P.O.V.

He feels relieve when Dhine's umma and halmeoni give him the chance to explain everything and to meet his son. He introduces himself to his son properly.

"Appa?" Yoogeun sits on his lap.

"Hmmm baby boy?" He smiles to his son as he waits for whatever he is going to say.

"True is it? Umma said you far away. In Heaven."

He looks at Dhine's halmeoni with questioning look.

"That was when she did not know who really did that to her." Her halmeoni explains.

He smiles to his son. "Aniyo. Appa is working and is quite busy before, but appa is here now."

"What appa is working?"

"Hmmm... You can see appa in t.v. Appa dances, acts and sings."

Yoogeun eyes widen with excitement. "Me... Me wants to watch appa!"

He is about to answer when Dhine's room's door opens.

"Yoogeun, come baby boy." She summons their son.

Yoogeun smiles at him before he follows his mother.

"What appa about?"

He sees her glancing at him. "He is not your appa." Then she closes the door after Yoogeun gets in.

"Aigoo. Forgive my daughter's behavior Minho-ssi. She is just mad." Dhine's mother tries to cheer him.

He smiles. "Gwenchanayo mam. I understand her that she's mad at me. I can't blame her though."

"Just call me imo ne? Wait for a few days more, her anger will eventually go."

He nods. After a short talk and giving thanks for forgiving and understanding him, Minho decides to go home since Dhine still refuses to talk to him. She did not let their son goes out of the room.

I'll win your heart again Dhine. I promise.

Dhine's P.O.V.

Dhine is on her way to fetch her son. She is already in the school when she notices Minho.

"Hi. For you." Minho hands her a bouquet.

She just looks at it. "Don't you have any schedule today for you to waste your time here?"

"Aishh... This is not wasting of time okay? Besides, it is my free time today. I wanna see you and our son too."

Dhine raises a brow. "Our son? No. He is my son."

"Yoogeun is OUR son Dhine. OUR son. You cannot make him all by yourself."

Dhine's temper rises as she hears it. "Get lost! I don't want to see your face! We don't need you!"

"Dhine please..." Minho attempts to hold her, but she flips his hands away.

"Umma? Appa? You are fighting?" They are both startled to see Yoogeun watching them innocently.

Dhine looks at Minho and then smiles to Yoogeun. "Aniyo baby boy. Umma just don't want to see your appa."

"Waeyo umma?"

"Because he did something bad." She throws a sharp glare to Minho.

Yoogeun looks at Minho. "Appa, bad you make to umma? Appa, ask sorry to umma. Umma forgives you."

Minho walks towards them. "Really baby boy? Umma will forgive appa if I will ask sorry?"

Yoogeun nods. "Me, doing bad, ask umma sorry and umma forgives me."

She sits to level her son. "Your appa did something really, really bad baby that is why umma can't forgive appa."

"Dhine please... Spare our son." Minho holds her hand while whispering it.

She pushes his hand away. "I said, don't touch me." She sighs while looking at the confused Yoogeun. "Let's go home baby boy."

"Kure." Yoogeun holds her hand and then pulls Minho's hand. "Me happy. Appa and umma I have already. Me proud. Me no more teased by my classmates." Yoogeun happily exclaim while still holding their hands.

Somehow, seeing their son this happy makes Dhine wants to tear up. Of course, all she wants is for her Yoogeun to be happy. She silently sighs. She pities her son so much. She wanted to let Minho go away, but she does not want to break her son's happiness. She looks at Minho who is just staring at her. She then snobs at him.

"I love you Dhine." Minho whispers it to her ears and then immediately stays away.

She looks at him with one brow raising and then mouths at him. "I hate you."

"Let me carry him. I think he is already heavy for you." Minho gets Yoogeun from Dhine. The child falls asleep on their way home.

Before going home, Minho stops the car as they see a park. Yoogeun and he played happily. They even teased her to join, but she refused. She feels like she lost a lot of her energy.

It's almost night when they decided to stop and then go home.

"Gwenchana? You look so pale and silent since earlier." Minho looks at her with worries. He tries to hold her, but she avoids it.

"I'm fine. I just need some rest." She walks ahead him.

When they get inside, Dhine sees her mother preparing for dinner already.

"Aigoo, you just got home in time. I am almost done in cooking supper." Her mother greets them. Her mother pats Minho's arm. "Minho-ssi, you eat supper here arasso? I've prepared delicious foods."

"Cheongmalyo imo? Ohh, that sounds great!"

"Umma..." She pouts at her umma.

Her umma rubs her back lightly. "Aigoo, have pity of him dear. He must be hungry already. You know how far Jecheon and Gangwon from Seoul right?"

"Tsskk, kurae." When she sees Minho's face brighten up. She snobs at him and secretly steps on his foot.


"Omo, what happened Minho-ssi?" Her mother askshim.

"Ahh—Ahh, nothing imo. I just tripped off."

"Aigoo, be careful ne?"

Minho nods while smiling to her mother. Her mother leaves them to continue preparing.

"Are we not going to wake Yoogeun to eat supper?" Minho looks at her before looking at Yoogeun.

"Later." She closes her eyes as she sits on the couch.

"You're sleepy already?" Dhine can feel Minho's touch on her face. She is surprised to see Minho kneeling down in front of her.

She pushes his hand right away. "What are you doing?! How many times do I have to tell you that don't touch me?!"

"I just can't help it Dhine. I'm sorry okay? I just miss you so much." Minho looks at her with longing in his eyes.

She just stares at him steadily and then hisses. "Go away. I'm going to help my mother." She stands and then leaves him behind.

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