
Time lapse

"Wait... your telling me that you actually hid from them for a...whole two hours!" I say in between laughs. Me and Liza had been talking for the past four hours. It felt amazing. She was like my best friend and we just met.

"Yeah! I had the entire guard looking for me and I was only six!"

We laugh together. By this time we had moved to her bed just laying down looking at the ceiling while we talked.

Once the laughs died down. I found myself looking at Liza and she was looking at me too. Her eyes flickered to my lips. I was shocked but I did the same. I sat up on my elbow and so did she. She started to lean in. My heart was beating out of my chest. Did the princess really want to kiss me?! I guess so. We were soon only centimeters apart.

"Um-m-m-maybe we shouldn't do this Dave." Liza says still not moving her head away from mine.

"Um- yeah. I mean it's what ever you want to do."

"God David why do you have to be so sweet."

Suddenly she closes the gap. Allowing our lips to touch. I start moving my lips against hers. What am I doing? I'm kissing Ms. Koshy! She's the princess! But I can't stop my self. She doesn't seem like she wants to stop either.

After a few moments we break apart. We lean our foreheads against each other and just chuckle.

"What did I just do." I express to Liza. Yeah I was definitely falling for her. Falling for a princess.

"You just kissed me. And by the look of it, I think we both enjoyed it."

"Definitely." I say chuckling.

I sit up thinking about everything that just happened.

"Oh my goodness Liza. We just kissed."

"Yes. Many people kiss each other." She says chuckling.

"No no no you don't get it! I'm not supposed to fall in love with you! I'm supposed to guard you. I could lose my job!"

"Trust me. You won't lose your job. But are you really falling in love with me?" She says blushing.

I instantly turn red. "I-i-i mean yeah. I think I am. I've never felt like this about anyone before. Your very special to me Liza."

She smiles the brightest smile before jumping on me and giving me the biggest hug that knocks me down on her bed with her on top of me. We both laugh. She leans down carefully, putting a soft, loving kiss to my lips.

Time lapse

It's been a month since I met Liza. It's been the best four weeks of my life. It's been amazing being able to just laugh and get to know her and her amazing personality. You might ask, do we still kiss? Of course we do. But we have to be very careful. People watch Liza like a hawk so we are only able to kiss and occasionally make out when we are alone.

We are taking a stroll through the rose garden when I get a call. I motion towards my phone and Liza puts up her hand understanding that I probably need to take this.


"Hello. This is Mr. David Dobrik right?"

"Yes ma'am it is. May I ask who is calling?"

"This is the hospital."

Liza looks at me as I look at her. Thoughts run through my head.

"Is my mom okay? Should I come?"

"Yes sir. You should. We have some news."

"What news?"

"We would prefer to tell you in person."

"Ma'am I understand but I would like to hear what you would like to say now please."

"If you are certain. I'm sorry to inform you but your mother has passed away sir."

"What?! No this can't be. I talked to her just this morning before work!"

"I know sir. This can be a shock to many people. We have counseling if you would like."

"No no it's okay. Thank you." I say blandly. I click the red button ending the call. I look into Liza's watery eyes. I've never seen her cry before. But here we are. Holding each other while we cry.

It started to get cold as the sun set. We headed back inside and sat on her bed still holding each other. As we sat there in comfortable silence, I just thought of one thing. Liza. She is the only one that is left for me. She is the one who has all of my heart.

"I love you Liza."

"I love you too, David"

Thanks for reading! Please leave comments on what you want me to do next. I might make a part two or three to this cause I kinda like the story line. Idk maybe it's just me lol.

I decided to post this early. Like really early. It's like 30 minutes into Friday lol.  Hey at least I posted on time!

1,357 words

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