Calebpantsu- Dancing At Midnight

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\This ship is literally the ship of Caleb Hyles and Annapantsu, and I (now) know that Caleb has a wife, and I will never mean any disrespect to them, currently when working on this story, I didn't know Kira and Caleb got married until I looked it up, and found out. I, personally am sorry if this offends them on so many levels./

3rd person view:

Anna snuck out every night at midnight to dance in her garden. She had a huge garden with Sakura Trees, and three hundred flowers/bushes/trees. Now why one, can't dance during the day.... Well there's a story behind it:

A Maiden, named Catherine made the gardens by day, and danced by night despite her father wanting to make the castle more unique and elaborate, which would require more space, and his daughter blocked it as he hated the garden. As Punishment for the Whole deed, her father locked her in her room. Her mother demanded the window be open, as she did this to give her some freedom before she disappeared. When Catherine's father tried to have the garden destroyed after her death, Catherine's Spirit wouldn't let her father ruin all her her hard work so she casted an enchantment on the garden. Not a spell, an Enchantment. For who ever dances in the garden at the stroke of midnight and before the first hour of morning will be safe, but those who hurt her handmade work of beauty will pay.'

That story was a legend that scared Anna but she didn't admit it. She stayed calm. She danced in the garden every night until 12:58, and she heads back to her room and sleep. Her room was literally next to garden. Tonight though, she will dance until 1am. Why? Simple. She wanted to dance like she never danced before, also she was not going to lose the challenge that Ricky.

Caleb, one of her guards saw her dancing. He sighed. 'She does this every night until 1am' He decided to dance with her, since he couldn't stop her. 

"M'lady, care to dance?" Caleb asked. Anna smirked. "Aren't you supposed to be on duty?" "Just dance with me." Caleb said smirking back. They began dancing, Anna was careful not to upset Catherine. Caleb, who wasn't concerned saw Anna's cautiousness and sighed. "M'lady why are you so-" He was cut off. "Anna. Not M'lady, Anna." She said correcitng him with a small frown on her face. "Anna why are so you so afraid of this garden?" He asked. She sighed. "I'm not, I'm careful not to anger Catherine." 

Caleb let out a laugh while dancing with Anna. "Hahahaha, No. You're not going to upset her. It's a legend, a little children story, and besides, you're gracious, and that's something I don't want you to change." She smiled. They had been dancing and Anna smiled. Anna was deep in thought of how handsome her dancing partner looked.

'He does look handsome under the moonlight.' She thought. She smiled, and was so deep in thought while dancing until... The clock struck 1:00am.

"Oh, would you look at the time, We must stop and get you to bed. You must be tired and we can't have you sleepy at the meeting."

Before Anna could protest, Caleb, her knight picked her and not a second later, tucked her into bed. 

"By the way, that clock was a minute or two minutes fast." She was shocked. She had set the clock perfectly. "You messed with it, didn't you?" She asked and Caleb's response proved her right.

"Maybe I did, Maybe I didn't. Goodnight m'lady." Caleb said before closing the door. 

Anna looked at her clock, 1:00am. She smiled. She was exhausted and fell asleep after changing into pajamas. 

Author's Note:Got to get more done before Stockholm Syndrome Week.

Next Up: Corzy - It's only a Nightmare.

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