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I get to my next class which is P.E. The coaches hand out papers telling us to get our parents to sign it and buy P.E clothes by the end of the week. They then dismiss us to talk and make some friends. I just decide to sit down near the wall and use my phone. Then suddenly someone walks up to me.

"Hey their my names Kai, what's yours?"


"Well hello Y/N I saw you in my last class so I just wanted to meet you and introduce you to the school."

"Thanks, so do we just sit here and wait for the next class?"

"Yah basically."

He then sees my phone and notices I have fortnite on my phone.

"Oh you play fortnite to? I love the game so much."

"Oh yah I play it every now and then."

We then just play fortnite together until the next class. He walks me to my next class cause I don't know the school well. He has a different class so he leaves. I go into my language class, I decided to learn german. The teacher gives us assigned seats and I'm in between two girls. Not the best situation but I can't do anything about it. She then starts talking in german which all of us just look at her confused, she then says everything back in English. She tells us how to say I hi in german and then tells us to make some friends. I guess the first day is always carefree. The girl to my right then pulls out a mirror. It seems like she's checking herself out. I decide to introduce myself.

"Hello my name is Y/N how bout yours?"

She gives me a tch then goes back to checking herself out. That could've went better.

"Sorry for her rudeness she's just to obsessed with her looks. Her names Nayeon. My names Jeongyeon, nice to meet you."

"Names Y/N, nice to meet you. Does your friend always keep a mirror on her?"

"Yes she will break down if she can't see how beautiful she is, it worries me how narcissistic she is."

We then both laugh. We continue talking about all the things we hate and love and we seem to to like the same things. She then tells me if I want to eat lunch with them and some others. I tell her I already made plans and then the bell rings. I have first lunch so I head towards the lunchroom. I packed a lunch already so I go looking for Mina. I see Mina sitting down with someone so I just go right ahead and sit next to her.

"Hey Mina."

"H-Hello Y/N, um this is my friend Chaeyoung Y/N."

"Hello Chaeyoung, my names Y/N nice to meet you."

She gives me a mean stare and gets closer to Mina


Well that's two people that don't like me off the start. I continue talking to them both then Mina says more of her friends are coming. I then see Nayeon, Jeongyeon and Sana approaching.

"Oh, Mina you didn't tell me you met Y/N." Jeongyeon says

"I didn't know you knew him either."

"I wonder what the last four are?" Mina says

They all sit down, Jeongyeon tried to sit next to me but Sana just took the spot. Sana then gets closer to me and I feel a bit uncomfortable.

"Oi Sana stop flirting with Y/N you're making him feel uncomfortable!" Jeongyeon says to Sana

"But he's just so handsome and warm."

I can't do nothing about it so we just continue lunch talking about the school and our schedules. Then the bell rings and lunch ends. I look at my schedule and see that I have Wood shop next. I head to it and it seems that Kai is in this class too. I go sit next to him so I at least have one friend. When class starts the teacher says to get up and mingle around the classroom. Me and Kai talk for a while and then we go talk to other people.

"Hell their my names Y/N, nice to meet you."

"My names Dahyun nice to meet you."

I can see she's a little red because of her really pale skin. We talk a bit about our taste in music and hit it off. We laugh over the same dumb jokes and love the same food. After meeting everyone the bell rings and I get to my next class. I enter my biology classroom and we get assigned seats. I sit next to one guy and a girl. The teacher then gives us shapes and tells us to make a square out of them. Surprisingly it's actually really difficult. After we some how solve it we talk to each other.

"Hello my names Y/N."

"Hi my names Mark."

"Hello my names Jihyo."

We get to know each other and say stuff about ourselves. All three of us become really good friends. Then later the bell rings and I'm off to algebra class.

Sorry if these parts are a little boring when meeting the members I just don't have that much imagination 😂. I promise though after we are done meeting the last two members, Y/N will learn more deeper info about all 9 girls. After the first three parts the story will get more interesting. (Hopefully)
Anyways guys I hoped you enjoyed this sorry and have a beautiful day because you all deserve it. Byeeeee

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