The nightmare begins

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Seáns POV:
3 days. 3 crappy days in that bus. And I checked google maps
It's only meant to be a 8 hour 40 min drive, but for some reason this I got stuck on the one bus in all of America that had passengers who were constantly needing to go the toilet.
The stop was for Eugene which I found really inconvenient since it was still 2 hours away from Mark's shop which was in Bend.
I texted Mark to tell him he'd have to pick me up since I checked with the driver and there were no buses currently driving out to Bend until Friday.

Mark: is there really no other way for you to get there?
Well you'd think I would've checked before texting him.
I text back and wait
Mark: alright I'm coming to get you. Just stay at the bus station and wait there
Great just great I have to endure 2 hours with absolutely nothing to do since the big man told me to.

There was a McDonald's opposite the bus station and I was too hungry after that ordeal with the bus trip to ignore it
I get myself a Big Mac with chips and eat slowly so I can savour the meal.
Dear god I hadn't felt so much relief since graduation day knowing I didn't have to deal with high school anymore
Mum: sweetie I hope ur alrite I heard you jst got stopped in Oregon txt me bck when u get this
I bet she's having a lovely time after forcing me on this hell hole journey...

After finishing my meal I go back to the bus stop and play on a few iPhone games
Mark: hey kid I'm 10 minutes away you better make sure you're ready for when I come to pick you up.
Wow that was blunt full stop and all, hmpfh typical Shirley was always a blunt bitch I wonder if Mark got it off her or their mum and dad are just nasty pieces of work
I wait 5 minutes then stand up in preparation for Mark to arrive and take me to his dodgy shop.
I bet it's like some shack that barely gets any customers I mean heck if it did why would he need an employee from San Fransisco instead of another teen from Bend unless they haven't finished school yet which would be tragic.

A car pulls up right by where I'm standing
"This must be him" I murmur
He steps out of the car and already I feel intrigued he's just a bit taller than me so around 5'11 his hair is black and his eyes are dark brown, but they have a warm glow.
"..... are you... Seen.. no... Shane... no errr SeAne...."
"It's Seán, pronounced like Shawn"
"Ahhh right... well ShAwN get your ass in the car and I'll handle your luggage"
Wow SUCH a gentleman, you know I was wrong about this guy he's not blunt. He's an absolute dickhead and he's lucky I was forced into this because if I had my way I'd be back in San Fransisco bored shitless in my room not with him sorting out his shit shop.
"So kid have you had anything to eat because I wanna go now and I ain't making any stops at all"
"Well first of all its SEÁN and second of all yeah luckily enough I did."
"Get your belt on then kid"
"So how old are you kid? My guess maybe 15... 16?"
"I'm 18 asswipe. And let me guess you're 68?"
"Wow 18, surprised considering you act like you're still going through puberty. Also I'm 23, but then again you've met my sister Shirley who's like 42"
"23 my ass. How did you get a shop if you're only 23?"
"Hey dumbass ever heard of inheritance? Anyway can't keep talking, why don't you keep your mouth shut for now while I drive and maybe I'll talk later on. Thanks."

So I wasn't just going to be working through my summer it was also gonna be with some dickhead
Great what a lovely summer this was gonna be.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 13, 2018 ⏰

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