Fred Weasley - Counterspells to Magic

Start from the beginning

They were off, running in the opposite direction I did as I went to find more wounded. Those I could heal with a few simple spells, I did and sent them off, but those who were in dire need of professional care, I asked the people closest to them to send them to the Hospital Wing. After making my rounds all the way back down to the ground floor, I faced the full brunt of the battle threatening to tear Hogwarts apart. I sent spell after spell against the wizards and witches attacking the place I held dear, slowly making my way back to the Hospital Wing.

There was another student who was wounded, leaning against the wall as if he was just napping, but he was without someone, so I decided that since he was so close to the Hospital Wing, I would carry him back. He moaned in pain when I rested his arm around my shoulders, and I staggered under his weight, but righted myself and walked to the Hospital Wing. At least I knew he was alive.

To distract myself from the exhaustion and fatigue I was feeling, I thought of the future, hopefully one where we win. I would graduate from Hogwarts and say goodbye to my fellow classmates, teachers, and the Ravenclaw Tower which I'd come to love, then immediately join St. Mungo's to become a medic for the hospital. One day, hopefully, I'll become the head medic of the hospital. It had been my dream since I was young to be able to help people in their most desperate time of need, and I turned that dream into a goal I wanted to reach someday. But that was far into the future, for now, I needed to survive this battle before even thinking of entering the hospital.

Huffing from the dead weight on my shoulders, I shifted from under him, and heard the sound of footsteps behind me. My stomach knotted up from the sound, I was almost at the Hospital Wing, and I didn't want to face the threat behind me if I could avoid it, with the unconscious student laying against me. But what choice did I have in the matter?

I whirled around as best as I could and aimed my wand at my attacker. As soon as I moved, she cast her spell and I hastily protected myself with a forcefield. That did not stop her from sending spell after spell my way.

"Silencio," Hoping to handicap her so I could make it the rest of the way to the Hospital Wing, I backed away, casting spells that would falter her so I could help the wizard leaning against me. Apparently this witch was gifted in nonverbal spells, as my silencing curse only made her more persistent, her actions deft and purposeful, like she wanted me hurt.

With a grimace, I fired my own spells as best as I could, but the exhaustion my body was facing from carrying someone who was obviously taller and larger than me, and the merciless way this witch was attacking, she managed to hit me with one of her curses. Fearing the worst from her spell, I tried to hit her with a stunning curse before running to the Hospital Wing.

I made it to the Wing, panting and exhausted, and set down the wizard in an extra hospital bed. I tried healing his wounds, hoping that even though I had taken a long time to get here, he was still alive.

"Oh there you are- oh, what happened to him?" Madam Pomfrey appeared behind me and examined the boy I brought in.

"I'm not sure, I saw him lying against the wall. He was unconscious when I found him, but I think he's still alive," I said, glancing back to see if the witch who was attacking me would appear again here.

"Hmm, I'll take care of him then, could you bandage the people around here?" Madam Pomfrey asked, handing me some gauze. I nodded and went to the other patients. I wasn't sure what the curse that witch had sent at me was, but it didn't seem to be affecting me.

As soon as I made it to the closest patient's bed however, my balance failed me and I stumbled over, leaning against the bed. A pounding headache appeared and I shut my eyes, trying to block out the pain. I scrunched up the sheets and stifled a scream, waiting for the impromptu headache to disappear. It did, but I was left breathless and sweating, my tears starting to trail down, my head light and dizzy, and my balance failing me. What happened? I wasn't sure, but I couldn't focus on that, I had help these people.

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