Chapter One: Cafeteria Gazes

Start from the beginning

Anne had spent many hours listening to Diana gush over Charlie Sloane. Diana liked his fluffy hair, and how he always held the door for her.

Anne was quite certain that Charlie liked Diana back, but Diana would never believe it.

"Speaking of snaccs, how are YOU doing miss Diana Barry?" Anne asked pointedly.

"I'm doing splendidly miss Anne Shirley-Cuthbert. why do you ask?"

" Oh, I was just wondering if you had made any new friends? Perhaps of the boy variety?"

"If you're trying to ask whether I've confessed my undying love for Charlie Sloane, the answer is that I have not and don't plan to. He'll just reject me, and then I will need you to run my over with a car."

"Don't you think that's a tad dramatic?"

"Not in the slightest."

Diana walked a few steps ahead of Anne, then swiftly turned around to yell, "race you to school!" And took off running.

"Hey!" Anne screamed from behind her, "this is not a fair race!" But took off running all the same.

Anne's first three periods of school were uneventful. She spent art class talking to Cole, which was pleasant. Well, it was pleasant until the subject of Gilbert Blythe came up.

"He for sure likes you," Cole said with a knowing grin.

Anne rolled her eyes. Cole teased her about Gilbert Blythe's "crush" on her nearly everyday.

Anne still maintained Gilbert Blythe was ridiculous and immature for pulling her braid and calling her Carrots. However, she did have to admit that he had grown since that day in seventh grade, back when she first came to Avonlea. Regardless, there was no way he harbored romantic feelings for her of all people.

"It is not wise to tell lies, Cole" Anne said sternly, though her eyes were laughing.

"Jesus are you a prophet? Why do you speak in rhymes?"

Both kids fell into laughter, the question of Gilbert Blythe temporarily forgotten.

That is, until lunch.

Anne was laughing (choking, really) over a comment about Mr. Phillips' "truly unsettling" mustache made by Josie Pye (Josie still had her superb wit and sharp tongue from middle school, but rarely used it on people undeserving of her wrath).

While laughing, she made eye contact with the one and only Gilbert Blythe.

Anne was startled. Why had he been looking at her? Did she have something on her face?

She suddenly felt very self conscious, and quickly broke eye contact.

Sadly for Anne, her table-mates noticed this exchange.

"What was that all about?" Questioned a wide-eyed Tillie.

"Oh, that? That was a very sad and handsome Gilbert Blythe staring longingly at Anne, the love of his life," Cole spoke with abject authority.

Anne sputtered and coughed.

"Cole don't be ridiculous! He was probably just looking because..."

Anne faltered. Why had he been looking at her so intensely?

"Because I had something in my teeth! Yes I bet that's it," Anne spoke with faux-confidence.

"Doubtful." Josie intoned, punctuating the word a crisp bite of celery.

"Yeah," Jane interjected through bites of pasta "that wasn't a you-have-broccoli-in-your-teeth-stare"

"That was more of an, Anne-please-love-me-back-and-have-my-children-gaze." Diana jumped in, drawing out her words for effect.

Anne huffed and said, "You're all being idiots! He absolutely does NOT like me, and to that point, I don't like HIM. Besides, Ruby has dibs, so why don't you all stop being literal six-year-olds!".

From the other end of the table, Ruby chimed in with news that would shock everyone to their cores.

"You know, I think I'm over Gilbert".

Audible gasps of shock escaped the lips of the entire table. Diana pretended to faint into Cole's arms for dramatic effect.

"Hardy-har-har. You're all hilarious," Ruby said sarcastically, "I'm serious! I've been stuck on him for so long, but I think I've been in love with the idea of him for a while now, not like, actually him, ya'know?"

Anne was surprised at Ruby's astute observation about her own infatuation with Gilbert. Still, she was glad Ruby was moving on. Not for herself, of course.

"That's great Ruby! You're too good for him anyways" Anne chimed in.

"Well I don't know about that, but I do kinda have my eyes on someone else now" Ruby replied.

Another round of gasps.

"Who?!" They all shouted at the very same instant.

"Ok, ok! I think I maybe, kinda, MIGHT like Jerry. MAYBE."

A round of a"Awwws" went through the table, interrupted only by Anne's "Ewww, gross".

Before Anne could lodge her complaint about Ruby liking her annoying cousin, the bell rang. Time for AP English with Miss Stacey.

So... what do you guys think? Please be honest. Give me any questions/comments/suggestions/criticisms you want. I've never written fanfic before, so if you have any comments about pacing/clunky dialogue, or anything rlly, pls tell me.
If you have ideas, share em! I rlly don't know what I'm doing with this.

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