The Question of Trust

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"If we do this, it will wreck her," Stefan says.

"Well, she'll hate us," Damon corrects. "Thing is, she only has to hate one of us. Only one of us has to do the actual deed. "

"Hm," Stefan hums. "So, who's it gonna be, brother?" They glance at each other, causing me to roll my eyes.

"Me," I sigh, causing them both to turn and look at me. "You both don't want her to hate you but you also don't want her to die. So in order for that to happen someone has to kill a witch and why don't I do it? I don't know anyone here to care enough if they hate me, it's the perfect solution." Only downfall, is that I actually like witches and would rather not get on their bad side.

Damon and Stefan both share a look, thinking it over in their minds. "No," Damon states, shooting down my idea. "You're not getting in the middle of this, stay in the car."

"In case you haven't already noticed, I'm already in the middle of this." I argue with him. "I'll kill a witch, it's the perfect solution for you two, why are you ignoring it?"

Damon and Stefan turn to face me in the backseat. Stefan is the one to speak this time. "Lily, we just got you back and we don't want to lose you again so please just stay in the car. We'll handle this."

I scoff at his tone, like he's talking to a baby. "Are you kidding me? Lose me again? Where the hell did you pull that bullshit from? I'm not the same 17 year old girl you left in 1864, I've done things. Things you would never imagine. So don't treat me like a baby, I've killed before and I can kill again. I'm offering my help, so why aren't you taking it?"

"Have you ever considered that we may not want your help?" Damon yells back at me. "You come strolling in here, alive, telling us that you are here to help and you just what, expect us to roll over for you like trained dogs? You expect us to just trust the sister we've thought dead for the last century and a half? To not have questions and just listen to everything you have to say?" He brows furrow as he looks at me with angry blue eyes. "That's ridiculous. Because I do have a lot of questions, but it seems to me the only thing you have to offer, are secrets," he huffs at me. "So no, I don't want your help. Just stay in the car!"

Damon opens his door, stepping out of the car, slamming the door shut behind him. I glance at Stefan, my eyes soft as they meet his green gaze. "Is it true Stef, is that how you really feel?"

Stefan glances at his shoes before looking at Damon walking toward the house through the windshield. "Honestly Lily, I don't know how I feel. But he's not wrong, you are keeping a lot from us. And it's hard to trust you with all of your secrets in the way," he voice is quiet as he speaks. "Just listen to him and stay in the car," he mumbles before he too gets out, running to catch up with Damon, leaving me behind.

I groan, flinging my head back against the seat. They don't understand, and I don't know how to make them understand. In this world, you're nothing without your secrets!

Sick and tired of Damon always telling me what to do, I open the door, getting out of the car. He can go screw himself! Besides he's the idiot who didn't lock the car. I walk around the woods, trying to find my way to the house when I notice fire a few yards away. Quietly speeding there, I crouch behind a few trees, watching as Klaus, Elijah, and Kol approach Esther and their other brother who I've yet to meet, Finn.

"My sons, come forward," Esther greets them.

"Stay beside me, mother." Finn takes a step in front of Esther, watching his brothers carefully. Esther ignores him, stepping into her giant pentagram.

"It's okay. They can't enter," Esther assures her eldest son as Kol approaches. Kol steps up the pentagram, causing the torches to flare up and push him back.

"That's lovely," Kol quips. "We're stuck out here, while the favorite son plays sacrificial lamb. How pathetic you are, Finn."

"Be quiet, Kol. Your brother knows virtue you cannot even imagine," Esther reprimands her son.

"Whatever you think of us, killing your own children will be an atrocity," Elijah speaks, staring at his mother with an impassive face.

"My only regret is that I did not let you die a thousand years ago," Esther informs him, sending a blow to her sons. I gasp, but quickly cover my mouth in an attempt to remain silent. They can't know I'm here.

"Enough," Klaus's voice cuts through the air. "All this talk is boring me. End this now, Mother, or I'll send you back to Hell," he sneers at her.

"For a thousand years, I've been forced to watch you," Esther addresses Klaus in a calm voice. "Felt the pain of every victim, suffered while you shed blood, as your broke hearts." Something sends a shiver up my back as she mentions broken hearts. I stand up ready to leave as she shifts her gaze to Elijah, "Even you, Elijah, with your claim to nobility, you're no better. All of you," She glances at the three men. "You're a curse on this Earth. Stretched out over generations," She pauses, her eyes glassy. "If you've come to plead for your life, I'm sorry, you've wasted your time." Klaus seems about to say something but she cuts him off. "You may come out now Liliana. There is no use hiding in the dark." I freeze as she says my name. I can feel her eyes watching me from behind the trees. "Don't be shy now, come out and show yourself. You of all people know of the monsters my sons have become." I can't seem to move, my feet cemented to the ground as my heart beats wildly in my chest. Shit! Maybe I should have listened to Damon.

Suddenly I feel myself flying through the air, my body slamming into the ground. As I look up, I find Esther looking down on me. Double shit! "Now now, Lily, don't be scared," she patronizes me as Finn wraps his hands around my arms, pulling me up to stand. "I have no intent to hurt you unless my sons try anything." At this Esther pulls me to her side, grabbing hold of my neck, my feet hang in the air as I gag.

"This is absurd Mother," Elijah calls to her, stepping closer. "Lily is innocent, she has nothing to do with all of this." I watch as Klaus and Kol step up beside Elijah, Klaus's hands curled into fists.

"Really? Nothing to do with this?" Esther echoes, her grip becoming tighter. I wheeze, trying to pry her hands away but she's too strong. "Then tell me how you have all come to care for her, love her in some way or another, but yet she can still find it in her heart to want to kill you. She can see that this world needs to be cleared of your evil, yet you cannot. She," Esther releases her grip on my throat, causing me to crumple to the ground, "is one of the reasons we're all here. Look at how you ruined her, the pain you caused her." I get to my hands and feet, beginning to cough as I try to catch my breath. "You claim to love her, to care for her, yet you hurt her instead. You, my boys, need to die for this world to be safe again," Esther mutters before beginning to chant her spell. I try to crawl away but Finn's foot on my back stops me, pushing me to the ground. I cough more, feeling my insides burn. I am too weak.

Esther continues to chant until she stops, screaming into the air. "No! Sisters! Do not abandon me!" Finn steps away from me, running to Esther's side.

"Mother!" He yells, as the flames shoot up around us, blinding me as I lay on the ground. I guess Damon and Stefan did it then. I continue to cough, bringing my hand to my mouth. Suddenly the flames die down, disappearing altogether along with Esther and Finn.

"Lily!" My name's called as footsteps run toward me. I feel two strong hands help me sit up, leaning my side against a hard chest, cradling me, as I continue to cough into my hand. "Lily are you okay?" The voice asks me, but I don't have to look to know it's Klaus.

Elijah and Kol run to my side, leaning down in front of me as they all watch me with wide eyes. I cough once more before standing to my feet. When I wobble, Klaus reaches out to help me but I push him away. "Don't touch me," I mutter to him. His face becomes one of hurt but I can't find myself to care as I stubble away from them.

Only a foot away, I hear footsteps run to me, an arm slinging around my shoulder. "Let me help you darling," Kol tells me. I stop walking, glancing up to him with a blank face. This causes Kol to drop his arm as he looks at me somberly.

"I'm sorry Kol, but I can't," I tell him before vamp speeding away.

Once I'm a good mile away, I stop, grabbing onto a tree to steady myself. Glancing down at my hand I coughed in, I find my worst nightmare: a thick red stains my skin.


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