Chapter 2

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"Leslie!" I whined, "Help me! it's my first day of work an I don't know what to wear!"

"Oh. My. God. Emily Beth Roland. Shut. The hell. Up." Her head was probably hurting since she had so much to drink last night, but I didn't care. I had one hour to find something to wear and get there on time.

"Leslie." I snapped again. She ignored me again. Sighing I hurriedly snatched a pair of dark skinny jeans, a black shirt with floral print, a white blazer, and tan flats to complete it.

"Ok lazy, I'm going to work. You can stay here if you want. I told your mom were going to have a movie day and my moms at work late so she won't bother you." My voice was muffled since I was putting on my clothes. "Wish me good luck!"

"Luck." She grumbles in response as I shook my head and put 2 ibuprofen on the night stand for her head ach.


2 hours later Mr.Smith already trained me on how to place books on the shelves, return books, and how to work the cash register. He didn't need to teach me were everything was because I was usually here almost 3 times a week and already knew were everything was. Mr. Smith was a pretty chill guy. His hair was grey despite only being in his late 40's or early 50's

"So what school do you go to Emily?"

"Plano senior high." I answered

"No kiddin', my son goes there. maybe you know him."

"Maybe. What's his name?" I was getting excited. Maybe if I was friends with his son he could put in a good word for me.

"Dustin. Dustin Smith." oh boy did I know Dustin Smith. I've only had the biggest crush on him for years now. There was no way he was going to put in a good word for me. We haven't talked in years, just awkward eye contact in classes and in the halls. He had the bluest eyes, you could practically see through them and the perfect dirty blond short cut hair to match.

Mr. Smith was still looking expectedly at me and I realized I hadn't said anything yet.

"Umm." I stalled, trying to decide if I should tell. it's not like Mr. Smith will know I have a massive crush on his son if I say yes I knew him. Maybe if I said yes he would cut me some slack from all this work. "Ya?" It came out more of a question than I wanted it to.

"I can't help but notice the wide eyes when I said his name." He looked like he was wanting to say something else. Finally after several moments of silence he said, " Did he break your heart? I know how many girls he's dated and even I lost count. if he did, I'm sorry. You're such a sweet young lady and I would hate to see you hurt because of him."

I felt my cheeks get red because truth be told he did hurt me. Not in the He-Broke-Up-With-Me kind of hurt but like the He's-Dated-Every-Other-Girl-In-School-Why-Not-Me kind of hurt. but I would never admit that.

"Oh no Mr. Smith. We didn't date. We just talk sometimes." I lie. He looks suspicious still but thankfully the store got busy and needed our help. I dodged him for the rest of the day, and when closing time came I hauled out of there.

When I got home mom still wasn't there and Leslie was sitting on the couch.

"Lucy, I'm hooome!" I said in a Cuban accent, copying my favorite show "I love Lucy"

"How was your first day of work?"

"Busy. Awesome. Oh and I'm now friends with Dustin Smith's dad." I said nonchalantly. She paused her movie and turned around in her seat.

"Spill." She demanded. She could be bossy sometimes but she was always the person I go to when something has happened.

I told her everything as her jaw just kept getting closer and closer to the floor. "Damn." she muttered in awe. I nodded and grabbed a gallon of coffee flavored ice cream from the fridge.

We both sat on the couch, put in a scary movie and laughed at the cheesiness of it all.

Later that night I got a text from Mr. Smith saying "I have a surprise at work for you tomorrow!" I hate to see what the surprise was. it was probably some new books that I would have to put up. Anyway its a surprise and I love surprises.

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