Sanctum - Part 1

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"I hate that you didn't get to see Mom and Dad in their final days. I know you were all the best of friends" Jordan spoke as he shut down the video message. Clarke and Bellamy remained speechless - their minds were spinning at 100 miles per hour. Clarke wipes the tears from her face and turns to face Jordan. "Were they happy?" she spoke. "Yes" Jordan said as he walked over to the window. "They were so happy. They missed you guys, but they always said their fight was over. I know practically everything about you guys, and all of our people who are asleep. Dad told me as much as he knew about the prisoners after him and mom looked each one up on the Eligius files. Some of them will be really useful I hope".

Hope. Something Clarke and Bellamy held on to for dear life. In that moment they realized just how innocent Jordan really was. He was so happy and full of light. Bellamy began to feel his chest tighten when he realize just how much of a hard time Jordan will have adjusting to his world - their world.

"We need to figure out what to do next" Bellamy said as he turned around to join the conversation. "Should we wake up Raven?"

"Not yet" Clarke said. "We need to figure out what is down there before we wake people up and get their hopes up. I know Raven would be a good help, but let's just think about this for a moment". Jordan and Bellamy both nodded in agreement. "Jordan, what do you know so far? You've got to be smart like your father when it comes to this stuff" Clarke spoke with a smirk.

Jordan began to blush and turned to walk towards the computer. He sat down and began typing. "What I know is the planet is similar to earth. Before I woke you guys up, I couldn't help myself and decided to take a peak. We have vegetation, air, water - the keys to success. What I don't know is what or if anything is inhabiting this planet." Bellamy and Clarke looked at one another with worry washing over their faces. "Was Monty able to determine any of that when he cracked the Eligius file?" Bellamy asked. "He left a few notes behind that say he thinks the planet was inhabited by the Eligius III ship, but who knows if they survived" Jordan said as he flipped through Monty's notebook.

"But you guys must be tired - even though you just woke up!" Jordan said with a chuckle and a smile. "Why don't you guys go grab a bite to eat while I look a little more in depth on this? I've started up the algae farm again per dad's instructions, but there are some rations they preserved in the mess hall for you guys." "Are you sure?" Clarke said as she looked towards Bellamy. "Of course! I'll come get you when I find something!" Bellamy and Clarke nodded and exited the room.


They walked down the hall in complete silence - their minds racing. They've been asleep for over 100 years? How were they suppose to even process this? Clarke and Bellamy reached the mess hall, grabbed some rations and took a seat at one of the tables. The room had been rearranged to accommodate Monty and Harper. Sadness filled as Clarke and Bellamy knew they had been here - how they lived here.

"It's amazing we're getting a second chance" Bellamy said as he broke the silence. "I hope this works. I hope we can do better... for Monty." Clarke whispered as she nodded. Bellamy looked towards Clarke. She looked tired. He reached his hand out to place it over hers - "We will make this work".

Before Clarke could answer, Jordan came running into the mess hall. "You guys have got to see this!"

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