Frank is wrong, of course, Gerard has known and has said Frank's name for a long time now, but how was Frank to expect that of a person he has only just met? The situation is so unusual that I think, even now, I would not suspect these things of a stranger at a party.

Gerard has actually known Frank for a long time. He does not call himself a stalker but he does claim to be in love, and maybe he is. He has never spoken to Frank before though, so whilst he is cool and collect on the outside, his insides run riot on his nerves and he thinks he might, in fact, throw up.

“And you.” Frank says because at this point it is quite lovely to have met Gerard. He is handsome and somewhat charming and Frank is not blind. Though, he thinks that Gerard is probably too old for him, that does not stop him enjoying Gerard's company for the present. “Are you enjoying the party?”

Gerard looks thoughtful for a second and Frank watches his eyes carefully. They are wide and green, glowing slightly yellow in the porch lighting. “Some what,” he says, “But I fear I've waded out of my depth a little coming to a house filled with drunken teens.”

Frank laughs at this and admits, “You and me both.”

It must be this giggle that decides it for Gerard because then he's offering to get Frank a drink, small spikes of sweat making the back of his neck slick.

“Please,” Frank says and smiles at Gerard. He is simply glad to have found some company at his own party, he doesn't feel so awkward around Gerard.

It's like his skin fits him once again.

Gerard doesn't take long getting Frank's drink, but that has to be when he does it, when he slips something in, because Frank is watching Gerard from the moment he steps back out into the garden and he looks innocent enough then. He looks calm, there's nothing about the way he moves or speaks that would suggest that Frank's beer is full of more than he bargained for.

It must have been a powder of some sort, something with no taste that dissolved quickly into the bubbles of the brew. Frank didn't suspect anything as he took his first or second sip, there was no reason he should be suspecting anything, after all.

You may wonder why I keep coming back to that, back to how Frank was so clueless. Frank is not simple, he's not school smart but he's spent enough time on the street to become considered smart in that environment, so don't think I'm trying to imply that. I'm merely trying to show you how easy it was for Gerard, the papers made the kidnap out to be something phenomenal and unexpected, when really it was quite straight forward. Anyone could have done it, truthfully. All that was needed was the motive.

“Thanks.” Frank says, smiling at Gerard.

Around half way through the bottle Frank begins to feel strange. His limbs, as he described to me, were nothing but matter, not heavy exactly but they didn't feel as though they belonged to him. If they were connected to the rest of his body is was only by a thin strand, like when you extract the DNA from a banana. Stringy and stretching like chewing gum.

It's not unpleasant at this stage though, in fact, everything is almost comical, if a little far away. Frank is laughing and Gerard is giggling along with him as he encourages Frank to drink more.

Frank does, smiling at Gerard from around the neck of his beer and slumping against the house. Gerard moves closer and takes the bottle from Frank's hands as soon as it's empty, he places it carefully on the low wall beside them. Frank is giddy and a little crazed. Gerard's face looks strange to his wide eyes and he wants to kiss it. He does, letting Gerard hold tightly too his waist as he nips and kisses sloppily at Gerard's mouth. The kiss is't long though and soon Gerard is pushing Frank away with a wicked grin. Frank grumbles something that even he can't understand and Gerard laughs again, taking Frank's hand.

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