She pulled her hand away from his. "Nice to meet you as well." She lied and put on her best fake smile. When she looked back at her father he was now standing up. "Dad what is this about?" She spoke very quietly as she moved towards him. 

Her father, Y/f/n blew a puff of his cigar out before putting it down. With a wave of his hands all the men left the room, including Mr. Travis. "My daughter..." He breathed. "So eager to learn this business." His hand patted her shoulder. "So unaware of the cost..."

"What are you talking about?" Y/n sought. Her mind was in a spiral from his word games, something she always hated as a young girl. She was still thinking about the weird indescribable feeling she was getting from the Mr. Travis.  

"Otello's dead." He said blatantly. "Shot twice mid range, one of our men found him in an alley." The big man found himself walking around his own daughter. "Care to explain?" 

Y/n thought back to the day before. "Otello was fine when I released him, a few broken fingers, but he was fine." She swore.

Her father nodded and sat down at his desk. "Otello was one of our new assets, we had money invested in him, find out and eliminate who killed him." 

"Yes sir." She turned to leave the big office. It was bigger than hers and had much more expensive things to value. She remembered coming into his office as a little girl and sitting in his chair spinning around until he came back in. He would sit her on his lap while he filled out paperwork. A simpler time.

"And Y/n..." He stopped her in her tracks. "Take Travis with you. I think you two would work well together."

Y/n visibly rolled her eyes. "Okay dad." She said sarcastically. She still liked to treat him as if he was a normal dad and that she was still a teenager. 

Her father chuckled. "You'll learn to get along..." He said. "I promise."

Tom looked up at his dark doors at the sound of it opening. He was busy looking over some paperwork. "Harrison, I told you to knock." He sighed with annoyance. "What do you need."

"First off, fuck you and second of all, that guy that we caught stealing from us, he was doing business with the Y/l/n's." Harrison slammed a stack of papers on the wooden desk. "The Y/l/n's don't like when we kill their business."

Tom's jaw clenched. "You mean Y/f/n y/l/n doesn't like it." He hated when Y/n was compared to her father or even mixed in with him. He knew that deep down inside you were nothing like your father.

Harrison scoffed. "You still fuckin' with that?" He shook his head like he couldn't believe his ears. "She's the reason why we aren't growing, don't you want to be the king of the London mob?"

Tom stood up facing his best mate. "I already am the king of the London mob, they fear me. How long do you think Y/n's father has to live?" Tom challenged. 

His best mate shrugged his suit covered shoulders. "He's an old fucker so I wouldn't be so surprised if he died soon." Harrison was a good looking man, blonde hair and blue eyes. Most women liked his style. 

"Exactly, now Y/n, she's another story..." He trailed off thinking about her. Her perfectness, her beautiful features,how in love he was with her. 

Harrison rolled his eyes. He felt bad for his best friend, so in love with someone he knew he couldn't have. It almost made him pity the brit. "Jaques Otello was his name, I can tell you now they are coming for us." 

The door opened once more and the two twins entered, Harry first and then Sam. "What do you want div?" Harry spoke in his normal voice, but he was annoyed already. 

Tom visibly rolled his eyes, settling down in his leather black chair. "We have a problem, I'd like you to take care of it." Tom muttered. He'd stuck a cigarette in his mouth and lit it. "Seems we might have men on their way to kill us again, infiltrate their plans and stop it before it happens."

Harry's nose scrunched. "That's all you wanted?" An eyebrow raised in question. "Could've just called mate." 

"The files mate?" Tom smirked. Nodding to the files stacked neatly on his desk. He watched his brother roll his eyes and pick up the vanilla colored files. 

"That all Tom?" Sam finally spoke. "We still have to meet mum after this."

Tom nodded and waved them off. He clicked his tongue before pulling out a fresh cigarette. Harrison had moved to light it for him. Tom sighed and exhaled the smoke. "Get my car ready." He ordered Harrison. 

Harrison pulled out his phone and typed a few things. "Where are you going?"

"To handle some business..." He mumbled looking down at the paper in front of him. Otello was written all over it. 

I Can Only Adore You • Mob!Tom Holland AUWhere stories live. Discover now