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A/N enjoy the gif of Harry on the side ;)


"5 minutes boys"Paul said peeking his head into the boys dressing room.The boys are peforming in Madison Square Garden today.They are all looking nervous as hell,They're family were all here to see them.

"When you know there is one family member in the audience,you get so nervous"Louis laughs drinking from his tea. "You nervous?"I ask Harry who is sitting on the little couch in the dressing room next to me "Is that a questions,Yes i'm nervous"He says and lets out a loud sigh.

"You'll do great,i promise"I kiss his cheek "2 minutes" Paul comes in again "Be ready"

"I'm going to go back to our parents and the kids"I say and kiss him on the lips "Good luck,you'll do great"I kiss him again "I love you"He says and hugs me "I love you too"I give him a kiss on the cheek.

"Paul"Harry called "Can you make sure she gets safely to her seat"He says and blushes "Of course"Paul smiles and opens the door for me

"Thank you Paul"I say when i'm in my seat next to My mum and Harry's mum. "Your welcome"He smiles and takes his place where the stage is.

"Mommy"Shawn climbs into my lap "Hi"I say and kiss his cheek Darcy was in Anne's lap playing with her Harry doll,She was to busy playing with her Harry doll that she didn't even notice that i was here.The boys were so sweet to buy all the front row seat for their families and their girlfrinds or wifes.

Niall and Emily were stil together and they had a son names Jack he was 3 years old,Niall told me and Harry that he was going to ask her to marry him really soon.

Zayn and Perrie were the first to get married and have kids out of all of us,They've been married for 3 years and have 2 kids,Anna and Josh and there is one on the way,Zayn thinks it's a boy but Perrie thinks it's a girl.Little Mix took a brake when Perrie got pregnant,They all though it would be for the best.

Louis and Eleanor are still going strong,They're expecting their first child in August.

Liam and Danielle broke up a few years ago,but they're good friends,Liam is now engaged to a girl names Sophia,She's nicer then i thought,When i first met her i thought she was really rude and all that but then i got to know her and she was really nice.

"Are you ready for One Direction?"Everyone yelled "YES"

Music started to play and the boys came running on stage.Harry blew me a kiss when he saw me,he waved at his family and the kids,The kids had these headphones on that block most of the sound,we didn't want them to lose their hearing.

"Daddy"Shawn yelled and waved,Harry blew him a kiss and waved at him.

The whole night We danced and had fun,this was a night i knew no one would forget i was so proud of the boys for making it so far.

After the show we all went to the after party which was at the roof top of our hotel. "I'm so proud of you"I ran to Harry who was holding two glasses of champagne,Right after the show they had to go into their bus and drive away so they wouldn't get surrounded by fans.

"This is for you"Harry says and handed me the champagne glass "Thank you"I smile and take a sip "Where are the kids?"Harry asked looking around "Our mums are with them in our hotelroom,We didn't want them to be around drunk people"I say and take another sip

"I want to see them"He says and takes another glass of champagne,wow that was fast. "I don't know if they're asleep but we can go if you want"I say

"Harry"A voice said from behind us,We both turn around to see our dads walking over to us "You were great son"His dad gives him a hug "Thanks"Harry smiles at his dad and puts his hands around my waist. "Where is your mother Kat?"My dad asks me "She's with Anne and the kids in mine and Harry's hotelroom"I answer

"Here"Harry's dad says and gives each of us a beer "No thank you,i don't plan on getting drunk tonight"I say "More for me"Harry laughs,I give him a look "What?"He asks and takes another sip of his beer,he's already finished with the champagne that was quick "Nothing"I say and roll my eyes,I really didn't want to deal with a drunk Harry tonight,especially with the kids around.

After Harry finished his 3 beer and was drunk as hell i desided to take him into our hotelroom to get some sleep.He'd had 4 champagne glasses and 3 beers tonight so he doesn't really know what he's doing.Niall and Emily were dancing on tables,Louis and Eleanor were making out in the corner and i didn't see Zayn,Perrie,Liam and Sophia anywhere.

"Need help?"Harrys dad asks "Yes please"I laugh,He puts his arm around him and helps me with him into elevator "I can carry him if you want,"Harry's dad suggest "Yeah sure"I smile,He picks him up bridal style and carries him to our room.

"There you go"He puts Harry down infront of the door,Harry puts his arms around my shoulder and i wrap mine around his waist.I open the door of our room and walk with Harry.

Darcy and Shawn are sitting on the couch eating popcorn and watching a movie with Anne,Robin and my mum and dad "What's wrong daddy"Shawn asks when he sees Harry

"Nothing daddy's fine"I answer for Harry,I didn't want Harry to say something he wasn't suposed to.I finally get Harry to sit on the bed,I walk over to the door and close it.Harry was now lying on his stomach "Are you going to sleep in these jeans?"i ask him "No"He said and takes them of,When he's got them half way down he stops and lies down again "Help"He says

I sigh and help him pull his pants off,He puts his arms in the air,a sign for me that i have to take his shirt off as well "You're like a baby"I whisper and walk over to our suitcase and put his dirty clothes into it.

"What?"His eyes widen as he sits up "What what?"I ask

"We're having another baby?"He stands up "What,When did i say that?"I ask,i'm not pregnant. "You whispered it"He said and walks over to me,how can he be drunk one secound and the other he isn't. "I said that YOU were like a baby,no that we were having a baby"I say,He doesn't say anything for a minute,he just stares at me.

"Come cuddle"He says and sits down on the bed again "I don't know,you're pretty drunk"I say and take a seat next to him.He puts his arms around me and lies back on the bed with me on top of him. "Harry,let go"i say and try to get out of his strong grip. "No"He says like a baby.



"Harry,let go,i'm going to the livingroom"



"I want to cuddle,Please"He huged me tighter "Fine"I finally give in.He smiles and leaves kisses everywhere over my face. "You're so drunk"I laugh.

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