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I can't believe today is the day i'll marry Harry,i've waited so long for this day and it's finally here.

"Last change to back out"My dad says coming into the room we were getting ready in.

"For the last time dad,I'm not backing out"I laugh.

"That's what he said too,he said if i'd pay him a million dollars he still wouldn't back out"Dad laughed and walked over to me,i was standing infront of the mirror in my dress.

"You look beautiful"Dad smiles and locked our arms "Are you ready?"he asked as we walked down the hall. "I'm nervous"I say and take a deep breath.

"He's nervous too"Dad says,This is it.Music started to play inside the church,Now i'm getting much more nervous. "Oh my god,i'm getting married,i'm getting marries"I say while taking deep breaths. "It's going to be fine honey,everything is going to go as planed"Dad tried to calm me down.I take one last deep breath before the doors of the church were opened.

I look at Harry,his mouth is open and his eyes are wide,i don't look bad do i?i hope not.My dad walks me over to Harry,he lets go of my hand and gives Harry a small nod and a smile then he takes his seat next to mum in the front.

"We are gathered together on this beautiful afternoon to share with Harry and Kat as they exchange vows of their everlasting love"Said the priest,Harry whispered to me "Beautiful"i blush and look down at his feet.

"As Harry and Kat take their vows today, we are privileged to witness the joyous love of a new family,a family that will be nourished and nurtured through the devotion of two separate individuals growing together through the common bonds of love.

May their marriage bring them the peace, joy, comfort and contentment that is known in the hearts of all God's children. And may Harry and Kat both look forward to each new season of their marriage,just as the world looks forward to each new season of the year. For all seasons bring with them their own special moments and memories.

An essential requirement of a good marriage is a strong bond of real friendship and trust. Harry and Kat, your love for each other will grow deeper with every passing day, but it's important to remember that your love stands on a foundation of genuine, mutual affection and respect for each other. To truly LOVE another person is to be willing to accept both their strong points, and their weak points, with equal measures of understanding and respect.

The vows you are about to exchange, will serve as a verbal representation of the non-verbal emotions that are as real as any thing that can be seen, heard or touched.

For it is not the words that you will speak today that will bond you together as one --- but the strength of the love and commitment found deep within your souls."


"At this time, I'll ask you, Harry, and you, Kat, to face each other & take each other's hands."We did as he said.

"Harry, will you take Kat to be your wife, your partner in life and your one true love? Will you cherish her friendship and love her today, tomorrow and forever? Will you trust and honor her, laugh with her and cry with her? Will you be faithful through good times and bad, in sickness and in health as long as you both shall live?"

"I do"Harry said starting to tear up,so did I

"Kat,will you take Harry to be your husband, your partner in life and your one true love? Will you cherish his friendship and love him today, tomorrow and forever? Will you trust and honor him, laugh with him and cry with him? Will you be faithful through good times and bad, in sickness and in health as long as you both shall live?"

"I do"

"I now pronounce you husband and wife,Mr.Styles you can kiss your bride"

"Finally"Harry said and wrapped his hands around my waist,We looked into each others eyes for a while "I love you"Harry whisperd to me "I love you too"I whisper back "We don't have all day mate"Louis said from behind Harry,Everyone laughed.

Finally his lips touched mine,everyone cheered,this wasn't like how we normaly kissed,this one was full of love and passion,We brake apart after a while,Tears start to fall down my cheek as i give Harry a big hug.He picks me up bridal style and walks out of the church.

Harry puts me down and helps me into the car,i can't believe i'm married. "Now that we're married,Let's party"Harry outs his hands in the air.I laugh and rest my head on his shoulder.

"You look beautiful"Harry says and kisses my head. "You look really handsome too"I lift my head from his shoulder and give him a wink.

"Congratulations,Mr. and Mrs. Styles,we have arrived at the party"The driver of our car says.

"Thank you"I say before stepping out of the car,with help from Harry.

We talk to many of the guests,we got alot of 'congratulations' from them.


"Can i get your attention please"Louis stands up from his seat,It was time for the best man speech,Harry was nervous about it cause he knew Louis was going to say something stupid and embarrassing.

"I've known Harry for a couple of years now and it seams like he's always that same weird boy when i first met him,I know he thinks i'll say something embarrassing,and that's exactly what i'm going to do"Louis stopped and looked at Harry who sat next to me with Darcy on his lap,Harry tried to hide his face by holding Darcy infront of his face.

"Anyways,There was this one time when me,Harry and the boys went clubbing for Niall's birthday,Harry wasn't going to go but Kat forced him to go,so he went.After a couple beers he was massively drunk,he could barely walk by himself,so i took him back to our hotel,I had to carry him up all the steps,because the elevator was broken,did i mention that we were on the top floor"Louis gives Harry a look,Harry just smiles in embarrassment.

"So when i finally get up all these steps and knocked on their hotelroom door,Kat opened the door in pajamas,I put Harry down and was going to help him inside when he walk in himself,without falling.So that's when i realized he was faking the whole time,he just wanted to go home to Kat and watch a movie and cuddle."Everyone laughed except Harry who was hiding his face behind Darcy.

"And that time when he had a hour long conversation with his cat,That was brilliant,i have it on video somewhere i was going to show it but i couldn't find it"He laughes,Harry was hiding his face in his hands. "If i find it i'll send it to each on of you"Now i really want to see that video

"Alright,it's time for the bride and groom dance"The wedding planner said into the microphone,Everyone goes silent as Harry and i walk onto the dance floor.

'Not a Bad Thing' By Justin Timberlake started to play.

Me and Harry started to move with the music.I rest my head on his chest and he has his hands on my waist.I look up at him to see that he is already looking at me "I love you"He smiles and kisses my forehead. "I love you more"I smile. "That's impossible"He laughs.I Look around the room and see that everyone else is dancing.I spot 2 little kids dancing in the corner of the room,Darcy and Shawn.

"Harry look"I point at them. "Look at them"He said and rests his head on top of mine. "They're all ours"He puts his fingers under my chin so i'm looking at him "And you're mine now"He says and leans in for a kiss.

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