Her Arrival

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I start putting energon cubes away when ratchet calls me.
"What is it, ratchet?" I ask. I'm the only one at base besides him.
"I have found an Autobot signal with no name, I need you to go to it's coordinates." He explains.
I go through the groundbridge to the signal. There's an auto bot bearing a resemblance to me, except the dark blue is a lilac purple. She's surrounded by decepticons.
"Steamcog!" I scream. Fury boils through my veins and I attack the decepticons, killing them all in minutes.
"Smokey" she asks.
I don't answer, I run over and hug her with all my streangth.
We get back to base a short while later after catching up on what happened after I was captured.
"So, she is one of ours." Ratchet says.
I nod in confirmation. My sister is here, by my side and that is all I need, all I have wished for, since I left.

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