14 of June

36 2 1

Soo i'm famous cause i'm making a covers where i'm singing and playing guitar on others i'm tutorialing how to play guitar(chords). I have more than 1M views. It's amazing:) and i and Masha moved into America in New York. It's amazing to have fans and one true friend♡ Soo right now we're shopping in forever 21 and they have an AMAZING CLOTHES*^O^* so we bought a a lot of clothes and dresses.. Then a young girl cames to us and asks us if we could help her. We said yes and she showed us her scars we were in shock

Why did u do that? I asked.

Because i don't have any friend and family.. she wispered..

Are u homeless? Masha ask.

Kinda yes.. She said

What's your name sweetie? I asked

Hanna she said

We will take you home with us kk?

Okay... she said.

So now i got a new friend

We don't have a parents with us so we're free and independet;) I love it i can buy whatever i want and do whatever i want so does Masha and it's AMAZING to be free:)

I check a twitter and look at Nash Grier's profile.. Naah he still doesn't following me:( i would do whatever to get this follow.. Justin Bieber did follow me but Nash... no he never noticed me:( ugh fml-.- well i'll live through it.. We were walking on New Yorks streets and we went to the park Brooklyn and we have in our plan to visit Manhattan,The Bronx,Queens and Central Park. So we're on playground on benches. I heard familliar voice.. From male.. i turn and i saw NASH GRIER,CAMERON ALEXANDER DALLAS,MATTHEW ESPINOSA AND CARTER REYNOLDS???????? You gotta kidding me:o i said: Hi can we take a picture? i said very shyly then Masha came into conversation and said very confy: my friend Tina she's famous not soo but still famous and she wants you(showed on Nash) esspecially u to follow her. Nash just looked at me he couldn't say anything(probably cause i'm soo ugly). He said: u seem familliar to me... I think i know u... Ur the girl from videos how to play diferrent pop songs am i right? yes u do i said shyly... Then Cam cames in conversation. Your sooo hot in person great personality(idk how could he said that cause he knows me like 2mins?) and you're amazing outside*-* thanks i guess i said and smile:) you 're hot too;) we had eyecontact*.* Nash started calling idk who and he said: shawn wants to meet u and he will bring 2guitars and guess what u'll do a duo with him*-* Waat*0* i must be dreaming*o* okay so chill. I made a selfie with cam,carter,matt and with nash(oh my goshh his eyes*0*♡) then shawn came and he say hello to me he didn't needed to introduced himself:$ so he gave me the guitar i told him chords and we started playing.. I started sang when he shuted his mouth omg no i can't sing alone:oo but somehow i did untill i didn't get to justify but he jump into my spech: no i mean woow like AMAZING we should really do the duo... if u're in ofcourse he said... DID HE MEAN THAT SERIOUSLY? OMG OFCOURSE I SHOUTED OUT he seem happy and i asked him if i can took a picture with him he said yes (obviously) i gave them my instagram,mobli,twitter and phone number... so Shawn was a little bit in schok idk why... Nash,Carter,Matt and Cam were looking my videos on youtube and be like woow u're talented i was just laughting and follow them.. Masha was sooo in loved she finally met the love of her life she was staring at Carter soo loved.. But she didn't go to him and talk with him so then i came to Carter and said:'Hey hh well Masha is in love with u but she's too shy to talk with u so could u come to her and started talking with her?' Carter:'Yea sure haha no problem' so what now suck Masha and Carter were toghether so i won't disturbing them.. so i'm alone matt,cam and nash were still looking videos of me and shawn was idk but he should be alone.. so yea alone again suck-.- but proud that i finally met nash and almost all of boys so if i'll make a cover i'll meet taylor jack&jack aaron and all of boys*-* soo exited*0* so i suddenly fell cause i didn't look before me-.- but i didn't cause Nash catch me*0* and he said:'haha u should wach infront of u:*' i said:'Thanks mommy for take care for me;*' he said' no problem that's my job;)' so who inspired u to do such a good videos and vines?' 'well.. this boy is called Nash Grier mum'(i was laughting) oww so can u describe him?' 'sure hmm well he's tall(15cm bigger than me) he has the beautiest blue eyes*-* and brown hair,nice personality,when i'm sad i'm looking at his videos cause they make me feel happy and special,he didn't noticed me on twitter and we haven't seen eachother never.. when i cut and when i was in depression and in anorexia he teach me that i can't never give up about myself and even if we don't know eachither i know him and i know i'll get jealous when he will marry perfect woman and when they'll have the preetiest kids but i wish he will be the happiest person ever:) i've cried but i didn't care hah... Nash looked at me with tears in his eyes and said: well guess u love this boy soo much:) i: yeah but it's cool that he would be happy:) nash:okay such a  sweet describe i've never get from any fan at least u... so do u mind if i would kiss u? me: um hahhaha it's a little awkward but okay hahah♥ so i stood up on my fingers he get down for a little bit and we kissed:o<3 our tungs were fight for dominance and after some time he won-_- masha,carter,shawn,cam and matt were like woow hahahha chill:D and they were taking pictures for snapchat,mobli,twitter,instagram,...etc. i was embarrassed(osramočena) and i did blush-.- and all what i said was:'sorry.' i went to my apartment all angry idk why thank God i have punch bag i punched at it soo hard-.- Then my alarm clock woke me up-_- so again this were just a dreams-.- fml.. i'm really sad.. Nash mean EVERYTHING TO ME♡

Well i need to prepair to school-.- today's the last day of school finaly*-* so my mum leave me the message on table.. hey hun<3 i wanted tell u just that i've creating this surprise for a long time a few months so... u're going in America for this 2months... OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG AM I DREAMING? THIS CAN'T BE REAL OMG:O i read next.. so i bought u a few ticket 10 for u and Masha for Magcon boys... so u will finaly meet your husbant hahahaa omg i can't breathe fuck fuck fuck*0*

Soo i guess this was first time when i didn't fake smile:) i went to school with biiiiig smile on my face*-* ofcourse cause i'll meet my FUCKING LOVE OF MY LIFE*0*<3 so yeah today is the last day then summer holidays in America for 2months*0* u gotta be kidding me:o<3 so yeah finaly end for 2months<3 so i got packed for 2months well not soo much cause i don't have soo big suitcase:P

I'll miss my mommy and my pets but  hey i'm going to AMERICA*-* meet my idol*o* besides i'll call her through skype so i will saw her and everything:$ so i need to call Masha and tell her that she'll meet the love of her lifeee and we're going ALONEEE so yea i couldn't wait to see Masha so i ran to school and saw her i screamed: Mashaaaaaaaaaa we're going to Americaaaaaaa you'll se the love of your lifeee Carter*0*<3 she was staring at me like a dumb hahahahaha i started crying and laughting so did Masha i hugged her tight. When she was out of the schok she started talking and talking and talking and talking hahahahah she was so exited so was I hahaha so the school was over finally away from my fake friends wohaaa so i got home and i quick packed even if the fly is tommorrow:D so i called Masha and ask her if she's ready she said i need to come to her so i did fast ahhahah i helped her packed just a few things cause we'll buy them in Americaaaaaaaa*-* so we sat on her bad and started screaming and talking about our boys well not actually our but okay:D i bring ticket for plane where it writes flying to: NYC omg we still can't believe that:o<3

So we were talking hours and hours.  I went home at 9pm. I would almost forgot to pack my teddy i got him since i was born:$ so then i sit on the table, waiting for mommy. I had tears and i already felt homesick:'( then i chilled. I hugged her tight and she gave me hug back:) "i'll miss you" i said..  I'll miss you more my little girl♡ her tears started falling so did mine hahha but i was happy beside this 2months will be over soon:$ so yea we had plane at 2am so i went to my bad. Ofcourse i wasn't went sleep i went there to chill and think about everything.  It will be awsome cause i'll meet others fans of them and yea:) finally i'll meet NASH FUCKING GRIER❤.❤ chill chill ugh but i can't hahaha i'm weird:'D so how i look right now: lying on the bad smiling like a dumb and scrooling(obračati) my long chocolate colour hair:) hahaha i'm 'normal' yep hahahaha so i'm exited fuckkk i looked on my phone: time:  12:50am fuck i'll call Masha and wake my mum. First Masha yea she's awake now mum.. Mommy wake up i'll miss flight hurry! I'm coming sweetie i'm coming she said. I changed clothes i wore: jeans long trausers, hoodie cause it will be cold on plane.. I already went downstairs while my mum was still prepering herself haha._.  Clock was 1:00pm i was soo nervous. I ran to masha's house. She's my neighbour. I called her that i'm before  house she said i need to wait like 5mins i said ok and waited for 10 then she finally comeeeeee*-* i screamed cmon cmon we will miss fligh!!! She said chill we have like 15mins to airport so my mum was im the car waiting for us. We quickly go in the car and we went..  Before we went waiting for flight my mum last time hugged me and said "i love you sweetie call me when you'll come throug skype ly ly ly ly ly" i love you too mommy❤ bye❤ bye my sugar❤ we had flight in like 10mins so we seat into the plane wich has 3seats..  Fuck i hope nobady will seat there.. We'll pick others in London.. So we started to fly..  I take Masha's hand and hold it and tell her: 'I promise you this holidays will be perfect I promise☺' she said: 'i know but let's take a sleep.. ' okay so we slept..

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 24, 2014 ⏰

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