Chapter 3: Team

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The video is a Servamp AMV that I liked to the song Honey I'm Good.

Watch the video if you want to.

Enjoy the chapter!


Third person POV

"Wakie, wakie Kaida. Time to get ready for school," said Crystal. She was in her mistress room trying to wake her up.

"Ugh. Ten more hours."

Yesterday worn out the poor girl.

"Ten more hours?! No! GET UP!!!" Crystal snatched the covers off Kaida and pushed her off the bed.


"OW! Crystal, you little bratty dragon!" Kaida glared up at her smirking Servamp. "Should've gotten up the first time. Oh and you might want to hurry up, you'll be late for school," said Crystal turning into her dragon form and laying on the bed.

"Crap!! Why didn't you say nothing?!" Kaida dashed into the bathroom.

Bruh. I did

Crystal went to go watch some tv while eating some food while Kaida got ready.

Crystal was watching a show the humans called Spongebob when Kaida came running past trying to put on her shirt correctly.

Kaida ran into the kitchen, grabbed an apple then went back to where Crystal was.

"Come on let's go!" she said and picked up Crystal before dashing out the door after putting on her shoes and backpack.

"I hope I'm not late!" Kaida dogded any and everyone as she ran past to school.

"I don't think you are. But it would be your fault if so."

"Be quiet!"

Kaida made it to school, luckily, on time with Crystal. She went to her class and opened the door. She looked inside to see all her friends sitting together.

Crystal hid in Kaida book bag and then Kaida came in and walked over to them.

"Hey guys!" said Kaida sitting down smiling. "Oh hey Kaida, it's nice to see you," said Koyuki waving.

Oh yeah. Forgot to say she made new friends.

"Hey Kaida," greeted her other friends. "Still living life on edge?" asked Ryusei.

"You know it!" said Kaida. "Have you tried to live simply?" asked Mahiru. "Nah bro. Living simply is boring. I don't know how you do that bro but that's you and I'm me," said Kaida.

Koyuki chuckled. "That's Kaida for you," he said. "Where's Hana and Akari?" Kaida asked. "They're not coming till later. Said they had to do something," responded Mahiru.

Kaida nodded and class started.

-Time Skip-

It was lunch now at Kaida's school and Mahiru had took out his little cat named Kuro and everyone liked him and fed him.

"Here Kuro, have some of this!"

"Try this also!"

"He's so cute!" 

Maybe I should let Crystal out.

"Mahiru? Since when did you have a cat?" asked Kaida. She pet Kuro.

"Um... not too long ago," he responded.

"Really? I have a new pet too! Her name's Crystal," Kaida took Crystal out and set her on the table.

The 9th Servamp (RE-EDITING)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin