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ALOHA. I need help. Well anyway~ Enjoy this chapter~ ;D also in the first chapter (i lied) maybe it will get a bit sexual ;-; ONLY A LITTLE THOUGH. Mkay bai

They all ran up to Jimin and hugged him, Jimin giggled and back out of the huge hug. "How have you Hyungs been?" They just stared at each other and shrugged. "Meh." They all jinxed. Jungkook looked at his phone and widened his eyes. "Crap im late for class!" Jimin went over to him and smiled slightly. "I'll go with you I have the same class." Jungkook smiled and waved at the others. "Cya guys later!" They all waved back at him and said. "BYE BRAT!~" Jungkook chuckled and took Jimin's hand. "Ready to go?" Jimin nodded and started walking. Jungkook walked behind Jimin and back hugged him as they walked.

Jimin giggled and waddled around. "Cutie~.." Jungkook kissed Jimin's cheek and smiled. "Come on lets goooo~" Jimin walked faster to the classroom door. "Alright alright calm down." Jungkook chuckled and let go of Jimin as they got to the door. Jungkook opened the door and looked at the teacher. He bowed and waved at him apologizing for being late. They both sat down next to each other and smiled. They both got caught a few times and got an after school detention.

-Time Skip to After School-

Jimin and Jungkook walked to the detention since it was the end of the day. The teacher said he wouldnt be in there so they would have to keep track of time. Jimin sat down on the desk and Jungkook sat on the floor infront of him. Jimin smiled and hopped off the desk, sitting infront of Jungkook. "Im bored Jimin." Jungkook said and played with his sleeves. Jimin smiled to himself and pushed Jungkook lightly to lay down on the floor. "So am i~" Jungkook blushed alot and bit his lip. "S-So...W-What can we d-do.." Jimin giggled a bit and pecked Jungkooks lips. "Anything you want~" Jungkook blushed even more and kissed Jimin. Jimin kissed him back and licked the bottom of Jungkook's lip asking for enterance. Jungkook smirked to himself and let Jimin in. Jimin explored Jungkook's mouth as he let him in, Jungkook doing the same to Jimin. Jungkook's hand traveled up Jimins shirt, earning a small moan from Jimin. Jimin's phone rang causing Jungkook to stop, Jimin grabbed his phone and looked at Jungkook. "Its Hoseok hyung.." Jimin awnsered the call and sighed.

Jimin: Hello?

Hoseok: WHERE ARE YOU TWO!?!??!

Jimin: Detention room?


Jimin: OH! Were coming Hyung sorry..

Hoseok: You better be, hurry your butts up.

Jimin: Okay, Bye

Hoseok: Bye.

Jimin looked at Jungkook and giggled a bit. Jungkook chuckled and kissed Jimin's cheek. "Lets go dork." Jimin hit Jungkooks shoulder playfully and pouted. "Im not a dork! You are." Jungkook stood up and picked Jimin up, setting him on the desk. "Your a bigger dork~" Jimin hopped off the desk and onto Jungkook's back "To the hyungs!!~" Jimin pointed to the door and Jungkook chuckled. "Yes shortie~" Jimin pouted and slapped Jungkooks shoulder softly. Jungkook chuckled and walked out the door. Jimin saw Yoongi and pointed. "YOONGI HYUNG!!" Yoongi looked over at them and smiled slightly. Yoongi smiled and said to them. "Hey lovebirds." Jungkook tilted his head and looked at Yoongi. "Hyung your more lovey dovey with Hoseok hyung." Jimin giggled and hopped off Jungkooks back. "He isnt lying. You guys makeout like every hour." Yoongi glared at them both and folded his arms. "I will smack you both." Jimin and Jungkook stopped laughing and looked at him horrfied. "Sorry Hyung." They both said and looked at the ground. Yoongi smiled and shook his head. "Aish you kids."

Sorry for the short ass chapter my fingers hurt from typing chapters like hell. and also you will hate me next chapter so be prepared to slap me ;D

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