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All the benefits of philosophy
Yet it remains within taboo faux pas
Even everything quantum I see
There exists no effects without a cause.

Yet as here I lie, and half whole am I
Thinking something uncharacteristic
With the world, how do I identify
If none of this is deterministic?

Could the answer be obvious? So plain?
Am I just a puppet or in control?
All of these questions driving me insane
For I never thought I had a soul.

Yet what part of me was split in two,
When they went and created you?
Because now there's only half enough
Of me left, how can I be tough?

I've fought and scrapped, came near to death,
But it's just your smile that takes my breath.
The rules inside me begin to slip,
Your form diving smoothly as you take a dip.
Hair a frame, so pretty you're to blame,
No scraps of sanity remain, for me to stake claim.

So now I'm stuck learning to reinvent
Put myself back together, but building something new
For now I see the rest of me, that resides inside of you
No reason known, but perhaps it's there
But no longer can I stress or care
For I need to know that you are mine
From now until we've left no time
My one, only, uncaused event.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 27, 2018 ⏰

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