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~there's one ooa who takes their time to respond
~I don't do half-assed responses, hence the wait. however, I will give as much effort as I receive
~I'm a pretty nice person, I promise. don't be afraid to message me or feel you're annoying, I guarantee you aren't! my pms are always open

~state who you want to speak with. I won't answer otherwise
~please start with a scene. any scene is valid, however creative scenes are appreciated and will probably get answered quicker
~honestly, don't worry about it too much 'cause I'll most likely be down with anything
~we can come up with a scene together if needed, it's not a problem
~no one worded responses. I prefer lengthy and detailed scenes, but as long as it's 3+ and is something I can answer, it's all good
~don't tell me how it'll end (ex: 'then they fall in love) because I'll be annoyed
~no text talk or emojis unless speaking to the ooa
~I prefer third person, but I'm flexible

~if I don't answer and you see activity, send me a smiley face or some type of nice message so I can get to you asap. don't spam me, though, because I do have a life outside of wattpad
~if you do not answer within a week without any warning, the conversation will be deleted along with any relationship
~take your time to reply, I don't want to make you feel rushed because I know we all have lives. just let me know if anything comes up that causes you not to be online for a period of time

~add all the drama you want. make the scene interesting and entertaining. my attention span isn't the best, so if the conversation is something I look forward to, I'll probably respond faster
~again, I'm pretty flexible and will probably be down for anything, but there's limits. so I ask that you speak to me before starting a scene with sensitive topics just so I have a warning
~absolutely no killing off or cheating on any of my anons, I don't have the time for it

~this is an all male account, there's not really much to say
~they'll either be homosexual or bisexual, for the most part they'll most likely be bisexual
~I ask that they're treated with respect, that's really about it
~don't message me if you're going to answer once, then end the conversation. that's wasting my time and it's quite frustrating. if you're going to end the scene, at least tell me. if you tell me, I won't have any hard feelings and I probably won't care

~personally, I ask that if you message first, you start the scene. if it's really that big of a deal, I'll start it, but I do the same if I message first
~just be kind and have fun, I'm a pretty layed back person and I'm not that hard to get along with/talk to

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