I say now sobbing into his chest as he rubs my hair "darling, we've only know each other for a week but I know that I'm falling in love with you" he pauses "and I don't plan on stopping it

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I say now sobbing into his chest as he rubs my hair "darling, we've only know each other for a week but I know that I'm falling in love with you" he pauses "and I don't plan on stopping it. I'll love you until I can't love you anymore" I smile up at him and finally kiss his lips and wrap my hands around the back of his neck

 I'll love you until I can't love you anymore" I smile up at him and finally kiss his lips and wrap my hands around the back of his neck

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Kol smiles at me and I say "thought I should get that over with." He kisses me again and let go of the kiss picking me up and spinning me around happily and I smile in the process.

Kol let's me down and I look over and see my brother standing in the corner with a smile on his face and I say "Alec" and I run up to him finally being able to reunite with my brother and hug him tight

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Kol let's me down and I look over and see my brother standing in the corner with a smile on his face and I say "Alec" and I run up to him finally being able to reunite with my brother and hug him tight.
"Gah, I missed you Alec" He chuckles and says "of course you did, I mean who else would fling arrows through vampires hearts other than me" I laugh and then realize I forgot to introduce him to Kol and laugh saying "Al, this is Kol" he looks me and I raise my eyebrows basically saying "that's him." He smirks over at Kol and says "so you're my sisters mate" Kol nods and says "Kol Mikaelson" Alec steps back and says "wait. the original vampires?" I nod "damn, sis you go girl" I smile and say "well, we're tired so were going to bed." They all nod as we make our way up to bed, I close and lock the door and say "sorry about my mental breakdown" he nods understanding and I smile "it's just, I'm finally moving on and I want to be sure that this is what you want" Kol looks at me "This is definitely what I want" I smile widely at him before saying "good then let's go to sleep." I take off my shirt leaving me in my bra before saying " you can't take whatever off just don't take off your boxers" he smirks at me saying "why? Uncomfortable?" I laugh saying "Kol, I'm a Virgin" he looks at me slightly squinting "you're telling me the truth." He states and I nod "now let's go to sleep I'm exhausted" he nods and I lay my head on his chest and wrap my legs around his getting comfortable and he kisses the top of my head before we both fall in a deep slumber."

The next morning I wake up to sleeping Kol and I smile up at him and I cuddle into his chest more.
He wakes up groaning "darling why are you up?" I giggle "I didn't mean to wake you up I was just trying to fall back asleep" he sighs "well not anymore you're not because you woke me up" I smile at him saying "well then good morning, love" he smiles down at me before kissing me.

He smirks into the kiss and climbs on top of me as I wrap my legs around his waist deepening the kiss he grabs my ass and I moan slightly and he moves down kissing my neck and I feel his breath hitch as he takes in my scent "you haven't fed,yet ?"...

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He smirks into the kiss and climbs on top of me as I wrap my legs around his waist deepening the kiss he grabs my ass and I moan slightly and he moves down kissing my neck and I feel his breath hitch as he takes in my scent "you haven't fed,yet ?" "No darling but don't worry about me..." I frown and say "no, I will worry about it. Why haven't you fed?" "Because as soon as I seen you I wasn't focused on it anymore" I sigh "then feed from me" he shakes his "not a chance." "Kol, if something happens I want you to be strong enough to activate more than one stele." He nods and says "okay my love" he places his head into my neck before he sinks his fangs into my skin and it doesn't hurt in fact it feels good. I moan in pleasure and he grins before letting go.
He bites into his wrist and puts it up to my mouth as I drink , it usually tastes bitter but it's really good coming from him.
As we were about to kiss, my door burst down and I see Elijah.
"Did you know our mother was linking us together?" I nod
"Yes, but I have a plan on how to save the rest of you, but first we need to go to the grill."

F A T E 爱 Kol Mikaelson {SHORT STORY} {EDITING}Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora