''Yes, I am Dahyun.''

''But, how?''

''You must be thinking that how can you see me? and why I am here?'' She hinted. ''It's because I was told to pass Y/N's last words to you and that's why you can see me but it's just for a few minutes.''

''Her last words? Who cares about her last words!'' He pouted. ''How could she let me go like this?''

''Okay, so if you don't want to hear about her last words then I will just leave...''

''NOOO...''He shouted and then gulped. ''It's not that I want to hear her last words but it's just that I don't want to upset the deities, they especially sent  you.''


''If, I will blow this feather then would this feather be passed to him?'' You asked her with curiosity.

''Yes, It will. You can say whatever you want to say in this feather and this feather will pass those words to him.'' Dahyun adds. ''It's a gift from my side.''

You murmur something and then blew the feathers.

You murmur something and then blew the feathers

Ups! Tento obrázek porušuje naše pokyny k obsahu. Před publikováním ho, prosím, buď odstraň, nebo nahraď jiným.


''So, I need to go to that place where she blew that feather?'' He asked.



Jimin was in his room that he received a call from an international number.

''J-Jimin, I-I-I am sorry...''

''So-Rah? What happened?'' Fretted Jimin asked.

''My husband left me just after two days of our marriage. Human beings are not always trustworthy. I am sorry for not trusting you...''

''But, what should we do now? I became a human too.'' He responded.

''It's not about what a person is...It's about how his heart is...'' She sighed.

''So, you want to come back now?'' Jimin asked. ''Do you know that you left me and Y/N in what type of situation? You left her when she was struggling and have you heard that she died?''

There was a very long silence and her sobbing could be heard through the phone.

''So-Rah, I am not saying that I am going to forget you or I will never forgive you but I can't come back to you now.'' 

''Maybe I should've told you that I needed you in my life.''


''Where is the feather?'' Jungkook wondered while looking here and there.'' Did she wanted me to find that feather in this so big place by myself?''

While he was looking here and there, a feather landed on his palm.

While he was looking here and there, a feather landed on his palm

Ups! Tento obrázek porušuje naše pokyny k obsahu. Před publikováním ho, prosím, buď odstraň, nebo nahraď jiným.

''I love you, you coconut head.''

that's what the feather says. It could only be heard by Jungkook.

''I love you too, Ms TT''



''Are you finally awake?'' The nurse asked and when there was no reply she waved her hands in front of you and repeated the question. ''Are you okay? Can you see me?''

''What is this?'' You asked as you open your eyes a bit wider to look around.

''You were in Coma for 6 months.'' She adds. ''By the grace of God, you are finally awake now.''



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