Back then I was quite short and chubby. I wore no make up and was the most goody two shoes you could find on the block. Look at me now.

The car journey seemed to take ages but after two hours, we arrived. The taxi man got my suitcase out of the boot and took it onto the bus. As he came back out the boys and my dad came following him out.

I looked In my mirror that I got out of my bag and applied some bright pink lipstick. Well, if I'm making an entrance I may as well do it well.

I step out the car in my bright pink Nike blazers with silver glitter ticks, skin coloured tights, tight black skirt pulled up quite high and my school polo shirt tucked into it, with a short leather jacket over the top. I held my jack wills bag tightly to my side.

I stroll over to my dad and the boys. The boys were all looking at me with wide eyes and my dad looked at me gob smacked.

"Hey Dad!" I said, acting like I have done nothing wrong.

"Wow, Roo," he starts, pausing to give me a hug "you sure have changed." I step away from the hug and look at him.

"Well yeah, that's because I have pretty much raised myself the past year." I sassily reply. He looks at me with his eyes full of sorry.

"Roo, you know I'm sorry I had to leave. I-"

"Yeah whatever, I'm over it now." I say and look to the floor.

My dad turns round and walks to the tour bus.

"Come Ruby, I'll show you the bus." I follow him in and immediately there are bunks.

"This is my bunk and these are the shelves for luggage." He points to one bunk and opens a door going into another compartment.

"These are the boys bunks and yours is this one." He points to the bunks that are three high on either side of the wall. Mine is the one in the middle on the right hand side.

"Your bag is already in your bunk, you can put it on the shelf with all the others-" He says, reaching for the bag.
"No, it's okay. I'll keep it in here." I say quickly. I have things that came be seen in there.

"Okay.." He cautiously replies as he carried on to the back of the bus.

"This is like a living room/chill area." The boys sit here while we are traveling. You can join them and sit here while I sit in the front."

We exit the bus and go over to were the boys are still stood.

"Roo, you know the boys I'm guessing?" I give a small nod.

"BOYS, this is Ruby." My dad says, loudly. This snaps them out of their trance. They all smile and wave at me. I blush and wave back. Why the hell am I blushing ugh. Flipping hormones.

"Right, we will go back onto the bus and go and get some dinner out somewhere to celebrate having Ruby with us," Dad said, shit, that means I will have to eat with them. They will notice that I hardly eat anything and make a deal about it. Ugh. Kill me already.

The boys all agree and go to the tour bus. I follow slowly after and go to the chill area with them. They all sit down and watch the TV that's on in front of the sofa.

"God, it's freaking hot in here!" I say.

"It's because I'm in here love" Harry says, winking at me. I blush and look down.

"Ignore him," Liam says, glaring at Harry. "It's because we can't open the windows because of the fans. They can get violent."

"We just wear the least amount of clothes we can." Niall said, smiling at me.

"Take your jacket off," Louis said, tugging it "that's gotta be hot."

"No!" I said, making them all jump. "I mean no it's alright. Ill manage." I awkwardly go back to watching the TV and avoid the looks of worry and surprise that I'm getting from them.

It wasn't that long in the bus in till we got to the restaurant. It was this Italian in the outskirts of London. I take it we went here so the boys wouldn't be seen.

We all sat down in a booth. On one side was Liam, Zayn, Harry then Me. And the other was Louis, Niall then Dad.

The waiter came over to the table and have us menus. "Hi guys. I'm Jack. I'll be your waiter for tonight. If there is anything you need I can help. Especially you." He said and winked at me.

Okay. Awks. I say my dads face fill with anger along with the other boys. The waiter just walked off casually and I acted clueless- as if nothing happened and looked into my menu.

A few minutes later, the waiter came back and took our orders. I was the last one.
"Uh- I'll have a water please and a small margarita pizza." I said, shutting my menu.

"Are you sure Roo?" Dad said before the waiter walked off "don't you want a fizzy drink? Or a side?"

"No I'm fine thanks" I said, passing Jack my menu. He again winked before walking off.

The boys and dad all chatted about random things in till the meal came. I didn't say much, just the occasional "Yeah" or "Hmm".

The boys brought up a conversation about self harm. I suddenly felt myself becoming anxious and worried. Why would they talk about these things?

"I don't get it," Liam said. "Why would someone do that? Cut their skin for what? Attention?"

"Naa mate, it's when their upset I think l" Niall butted in.

I couldn't take it anymore. I put my knife and fork down and stood up. They all looked at me.

"Uh. I need the loo" I quickly stuttered and ran to the toilets without looking back. While I was running there I felt the salty tears run down my face.

I spent a few minutes in the bathroom, calming down and wiping the makeup off that had ran down my face.

When I walked back to the table they were all looking at me. I sat back down and put a fake smile on my face.

"You alright Roo?" My dad asked.

"Yeah, Fine" I said, not wanting to talk about it anymore.

"You sure? You look like you have been crying?"

"I'm Fine" I almost shouted, a little harshly.

They all carried on eating and talking as they were except Harry. He looked like he was trying to figure something out. I turned and smiled even bigger at him and looked down.

When we finished the meal Jack came back over so we could pay for the meal. As he walked away, he gave me a piece of paper saying-
Call me;) 07867990470

I shoved the paper in my pocket and walked out the restaurant as quick as I could and got back on the bus. I checked the time and saw it was 9:00. I got into my bunk and closed the curtain before anyone could even talk to me.

Behind the curtain I could hear dad say,

"Don't worry, she has had a rough day. Let her sleep. You should all sleep too. We have a long journey ahead of us. Night boys." And a chorus of "Nights" before I fell into darkness.

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