The Day I Become a Shinigami

Start from the beginning

signed one man from works on the brink of destruction

PS the series is very long so I suggest watch five episodes and watch the end of the credit.

PSS I only put up with the Japanese language with English subtitle since it much better.

PSSS There a clear difference between the manga and anime so watch the anime first

PSSSS There a book contains about multiverse theory and patterns."

When she is done the reading, Ruby was completely silent, a shocked and upset look appear on her face as her eyes water. The others were no difference, Weiss is close to tears, Blake looks the same, and Yang had a look of disbelief and dread look.

After a while, they all come down, Ruby, Weiss, and Blake wipe their faces of tears drops.

As an entire world, wipe out over the cause for who knows how long. They don't know what this war was about, but it was bad enough to wipe out an entire world. They have accepted the plan that this person has given them while surprise that writes and speak, Remanitan, the main language of the kingdom. They don't know what Japanese, manga, or anime is, but are interested in it. Otherwise, they were throw away the box out of the window or give it to Ozpin.

"So, what should we watch first?" Ruby asked her teammates.

"I think we should watch five episode, as the person says in the letter," Blake replied.

"Agreed." Weiss and Yang said.

"Alright, then let put one in," Ruby said reached into the box and pull out the first session of Bleach. They're glad that they are going to watch it in DVD form, otherwise, they wouldn't about to watch them.

They all finish studying before this, so they could have the rest of the night to do as they please. Sitting on the couch, Weiss, Blake, and Yang all waited for Ruby to put the disc in. Walking over the DVD player, she inserts the disc and sat on the couch, waiting for the show to begin. Ruby Press the play button as the opening scene appears.

They got to admit the song was extremely good to them and thank the person who wrote the letter put it in a subtitle. They saw a desert area with rock pillar as the shadow spreading out. However the one of the blog coming out of the shadow. It changes to the sky and two black blogs came out of when the camera change to the city when they saw sentences appear.

"We have no form, therefore we fear it."

The scene change when an invisible monster landed on the ground as another sentence.

"What was that?" Ruby asked as her teammates were unsure what that was.

"and because we are formless, we revere."

The background starts to play drama music as it changes to the moon with a black butterfly on the screen. When a girl is standing on the utility pole. It shows the girl face while it changes to a different view.

Black hair girl (Rukia): I see. I feel a strong pulse.

"Wait, she can sense them?" Weiss said with a wide eye.

Then the girl jumps off the utility pole and into the town as the sentences appear.

"Thus, we are slain."

The screen shows a shadow butterfly and the title said "Bleach 1."

Then it changes to the street with five thugs and an orange hair teen (Ichigo).

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