Crossover Games!

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Reaping day, the worst day of the year. Kids line the streets waitng to hear which one will be sent to die in the arena, or come back with riches and fame. Everyome is nervous. Everyone wants to stay in the district where it's safe, but that won't stop the few who want to be in the arena, for the honor of winning.

The teenagers are put into sections, divided by age and gender. Some of them look at their friends and siblings, praying to God neither get sent away. Others cry silently, remembering how many times they had to put their name in, to get more food.

Peacekeepers and parents surround each section, enforcing rules and talking to the children. Caswell Willow, the announcer and schoffer, takes his place at the podium. A video plays of how the Hunger Games, got started. Anxiousness settles over the possible tributes, threatening them with worry.

The video ends and everyone stiffens, as Caswell steps towards the microphone, "Happy Hunger Games! And may the odds be ever in your favor," Caswell says, "We'll start with the girls," He announces walking over to the huge glass bowl, filled with strips of paper, covered with names. He reaches his hand into the bowling, fishing around for a name. He grabs one and silence over comes the crowd, no one breathing, "Clarrise Ares!" (From the Heroes of Olympus. I made up the last name.)

A tall, lean, brunette, with strong features, walks towards the stage. Her hands shake and her face is clouded with rage. Her steps are slow and loud on the concrete steps.

She stands next to Caswell and smiles, a fake smile, at him, "Now for the boys," Caswell says, as he walks over to the next bowl. He digs his hand in, taking his time picking another name, "Eric Traider!" (From Divergent. I made up the last name.)

A greesy haired, menacing looking, cold-eyed, teenager walks towards the stairs. He walks with a confidence, thinking that he'd win. Honestly, he looks terrifying. He has piercings all over his face. No one knows how he got them though, probably self-done or at a black market.

The two competitors size each other up. Looking at their future alliance, not disappointed with the results. These tributes will be hard to beat.


The air is hot in District Two. Probably from the flames, from the forges, spread around the square. Sweat drips down the faces, of the teenagers. Some of it from nerves, some from the heat, and some because of the anxiety.

Shadow Swarra, the announcer and shoffer, stands proudly at the podiam, smug smile on his face. He knows this year will be good. He can feel it. He watches, as worried faces wait. Shadow turns and watches the video as it starts.

The whole time he thinks of all the stupid things, tributes might do. Shadow enjoys watching the games. Honestly he loves the gore.

Shadow shakes with anticipation as he walks towards the girls bowl, telling them he'll start with the girls. He puts his hand in the bowl and grabs the first name he can find, "Kaede Patriot!" (From Legend. I made up the last name) he screams, over the crowd.

A girl, a strong, tall, and obviously, confident, girl walks towards the podium. She waves at people as she goes up the steps, calling to them and smiling. Shadow hopes she wins. With that attitude, she is his favorite.

He walks confidently over to the boys bowl. He looks over the crowd, trying to guess which one will be picked. He reaches his hand into the bowl, but this time he takes his time, building suspense.

"Metias Iparis!"(From Legend) Shadow screams. A tall boy, well man, walks through the crowd. He looks well trained and has knowledge in his eyes. A girl,that is probably his sister, goes up to him and hugs him, whispering encouragements in his ear, begging him to come home.

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