She slowly got back to her feet and looked all around us. I did the same, turning around in a 360. We were actually here, in America back at Yandere High School!

"Oh that's so cool!" I exclaimed. Then I felt something hard hit my head from above and I screamed, tumbling forward. Funneh made this surprised grunt as I saw her leap forward.

I picked myself back up and rubbed my head. That actually really hurt! Like getting a rock thrown at you. I groaned.

I finally saw why Funneh dove forward. She had saved the teleporting pearl from dropping and breaking when it fell back down.

She inspected it, the outside looking decently okay. The ran her fingers across the surface, staring at it.

    "Is it cracked?" I asked. She shook her head with a sigh of relief.

   "Good, because that's our way back home," I sighed. I nodded, but then my eyes widened and I felt that I had this annoyed look in my eyes.

"Ugh, we forgot to think of some way to carry it! We don't have anything on us besides our phones and this pearl!" I complained.

"You're right. Maybe we can find a bag?" Funneh suggested, "or we could just go back to Canada real quick to grab our stuff."

"Do we have limited uses with this pearl?" I asked. Funneh shrugged.

"Maybe it is better if we go back real quick to grab some stuff," I pondered. Then out of the corner of my eye, I spotted someone walking down the street.

They weren't walking towards us, but past the dorms we were standing in front of. But before they passed the fencing, their eyes shifted over to here. I recognized the hair and eyes instantly.

I grabbed the pearl and made Funneh do the same as I forced her to imagine our home. I did the same and in a matter of a second, we were gone from America.

• K Y R A N •

I walked down the street, reading a new manga I had gotten from one of my favorite stores when I passed by a certain row of dorms.

I was barely passing it completely when I looked up at the two people over in the middle of the street. It was Funneh and Gold! My eyes, were they deceiving me?

I took two steps forward, then blinked, before taking those steps back to look back down the street. They were gone.

Maybe my eyes really were tricking me. Though, I could've sworn I had seen them in the flesh.

• R A I N B O W •

We sat on the couch of my living room, not saying a word as we plopped our bodies onto the couch.

"Ooh, anyone wanna play Jenga? I have some left over cookies in a jar that we can eat while playing," I asked, standing up.

Lunar shrugged and said, "Ooh, cookies." "Sure," Draco said suite of Lunar.

I hobbled over into the kitchen and pulled down a clear jar full of chocolate chip cookies from the cabinet. I hauled it back over and set it onto the coffee table.

Lunar and Draco both grabbed a few cookies from the jar and gobbled them down while I pulled out the box filled with Jenga pieces.

   I stacked them up slowly, taking my time to correctly place them so that they would create the tower they were meant to make.

Then a flash of light lit up outside but we brushed it off, assuming it was lightning. As I placed the last brick down, the door swung open causing me to jerk my arm forward, accidentally knocking down the Jenga tower.

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