Part 1: The Reaping

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(Above is Amber. But her hair is in a ponytail and she is wearing this. minus the backpack and the binoculars.)

Amber's View

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Amber's View

I snuck into the district for the reaping. I was on top of a building with a decent view of the reaping, gripping a bow that I brought as a precaution. I saw girls and boys filing into the rows awaiting their death sentence. There are a few days where I'm not happy that I live in the woods, this is not one of those days. 

As I watch two people catch my eye. The first I notice is sweet Lana, she has her dark brown hair like wavy waterfall stopping at her lower back and a bright yellow dress. She's frail and small, at the bare minimum age that you are forced to participate in the Games. Though I consider her safe, her brother makes sure that he's the one to take all the extra draws. I look around for Jack I find him near the back, he is a head taller than me with short dark brown hair and green eyes, like his sister and the classic white shirt and khaki pants.

The reaping begins, a woman named Effie steps onto the stage and her and the mayor give their speeches then she draws the names.

"Ladies first!" Effie says in an over exaggerated capital accent.

She pulls out a slip and reads.

"Lana Miri!"

I'm shocked. I see her walking towards the stage. Without a second thought my bow out and I'm pulling the arrow back. I shoot the arrow pierces the slip of paper and pins it to the wall of the justice building. I jump and land right in front of her staring down the peacekeeper that has a gun pointed at my head. I walk towards him and put the muzzle up against my forehead.

"Do it," I say. 

"Do it, and get rid of me! Or let the capitol have fun watching my demise," I say. Then I grab his wrist and knee him in the stomach causing him to fall. I turn to Lana. I walk over and lean down so she can hear me.

"Lana Listen. Don't ask questions. I need you to go back to your mother, now," I whispered. And with that I walk past everyone, jump up onto the stage and wait.

"Well? Don't you have to read the boys to?" I ask Effie.

"Right! And now for the boys!" she says into the microphone.

She reaches into the bowl and pulls out the name:

"Well, this is unexpected! Jack Miri!" she says surprised.

'God why!' I think while pinching the bridge of my nose. I see him walk up, his face is emotionless but his eyes show shock and fear. He walks up and stands on the other said of Effie.

"Well, this is exciting! Jack was that your sister?" she asked.

"Yes," he said relaxing slightly.

"And do you know this young woman?" she asked pointing at me.

"No," he said with slight confusion.

"Well then this has been fun but we must depart! So, Happy Hunger Games! And May The Odds Be Forever In Your Favor!" she says while be we were being brought into the justice building. We were put into separate rooms, apparently to await visitors. I wait for an hour until to my surprise Lana and her mother both walk in.

Lana hugs as I bend down to see her.

"Thank you for volunteering for me," she says quietly.

"I often wish that I would be able to hug you but under different circumstances," I say with a slight laugh.

I look up the mother and stand up to look her in the eye.

"Have you already spoken to your son?" I ask.

"Yes," she says.

"Good so you can't tell him this. I don't plan on coming out of this alive but I do plan on protecting your son, so please if you could tell the people to forwards money from me to him, please," I ask. She nods. I hug Lana until it's time to go. Then I whisper in her ear. "I will come back just not in this life form," and I send her to her mother.

We board the train and sit and stare out the window as we depart from the station. I see a glimpse of the forest and realize I'm not going to be back to help my friends. Two people come in and a woman and a man.

"Hello Tributes, my name is Peeta and this is Katniss my partner and wife, we will be your mentors," says the young man.

"Pleasure to meet you," says Jack shacking their hands.

"If you want to call your predicament a pleasure," says Katniss.

"And you are?" asked Peeta.

I look at him and take a mental note of his exterior personality.

"Amber, Amber Nishimura," I say shaking his hands.

"Is that your real name?" asked Katniss.

"I don't plan on coming out of this alive so why would I lie?" I asked.

"Why not?" asked Jack.

I stare at him for a while before answering.

"I don't have anyone to come back to. Others do. Why deprive parents of the children and vice versa?" I say.

"You an orphan?" asked Katniss.

"You could say that. I don't have a family just memories of the past," I say.

"What do you mean?" asked Peeta.

"I know stories, facts, songs, and people from the past. Do you want to hear a story?" I ask.

"Sure!" they say.

(And I am going to stop for now. I will post more on this story. If you are interested, please check out my other stories.)

Until next time my little Mockingjays. And May The Odds Be Forever In Your Favor!

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