Chapter Thirteen

61 8 0

2011, July 16

Jung-gu, Daegu


Inseong's eyes scan down the man standing before him. "R-rowoon?!" he stuttered while screaming. "How could you have been there, or even know a- "

"Kim Seokwoo, remember that name?" he cut me off as my month soon dropped.

Jung-gu, Daegu

I sat in the room, along with along with another kid, Seokwoo, waiting for the doctors to call us into the rooms. "002?" Seokwoo says as I look over at him.

"Yes?" I replied.

"Do you want to stay here?" I quickly shake my head.

"I want to leave as soon as I can, please, if you leave, take me with you," I said. Seokwoo nods. The doctors walk down the hall as their eyes land on me. I felt their hands wrap around my arms as they pull me up, leaving Seokwoo to sit there alone. I sigh as I let the doctors take me away, not having the energy to fight back. The doctors opened the door and pushed me in, forcing me to sit on a chair. I placed my hands on the table and looked up, seeing Dr.Yoon.

"Now, listen to me, I need you to use your power's again," he said. I huffed and folded my arms.

"I'm not doing it," I said "I'm not going to sit here and waste my time using my powers for useless reasons, if you want someone to do that, find someone else," I stood up and walked out, the doctors trying to follow me as I hear Dr.Yoon's voice.

"Let him go," I walk down the hall as I see Seokwoo. I sit by him and look at him.

"Want to try to leave?" I asked as he shrugged.

"We are just kids, we don't have enough strength for that" he responded.

"We may be kids, but we all have powers and we know how to use them, if we team up, we can get out," I said. Seokwoo played with the ends of his sleeves that went pass his hands.

"Maybe, but for now, we should sleep," he said. I nodded and made my way back towards our rooms. I opened my door and walked in, sitting on the bed as I pull out my book, starting to read.

"You left me, you didn't take me with you," I whispered. "How could you leave us behind when you knew what was happening, how come you didn't get a number or treated like us, you're special, huh!" I yelled. "You told me that if you got to leave, you would take me with you, I remember now, god, I'm so stupid!" I yelled at myself. "How could I forget you!" I yelled in frustration. "Oh yeah, I remember now, I wanted to forget you because I didn't want to remember that one asshole who randomly left the lab without an explanation" I screamed, more tears falling from my eyes. I stood up and looked at Rowoon as I tried to walk away, being stopped by a tight hand being wrapped around my wrist. I looked back to see Rowoon holding on to me. "I swear to god, get your lying hands off my wrist," I said and pulled my hand away.

"Inseong will you just sit down and listen to me for once!" Rowoon yelled. "Maybe this is the reason I left without you because you never listen!" I felt my anger rise as I turned around and looked at him.

"I've listened to you long enough to know that I will never be able to trust you anymore!" I replied. I looked back at the two boys who stood there, not knowing how to react.

"Just sit down," he replied softly and pulled me back into the chair.

"Don't t-" I started until I felt Rowoon's hand cover my mouth.

"Stop acting like this and just listen to me, I'm trying to tell you what you don't know," Rowoon said. "Do you want me to tell you why I'm apart of this?" he asked. I nodded and folded my arms.

"Please make it quick, I don't want to spend another minute in this room with you," I replied.

Rowoon starts, "well, to start it off, a girl named Kim Suhye dated Dr.Yoon in high school, and decided to stay together" he stated. "They ended up having a child together, but Dr.Yoon being himself, was an abusive boyfriend, who would abuse her and secretly done a test on the baby before it was born." He sighed as he soon continued. "a few weeks after the baby was born, Suhye couldn't take it anymore, breaking up with Dr.Yoon, taking the baby and leaving. Once the baby grew up a little bit, she noticed that the baby wasn't normal and had powers, so, she brought the baby back to him, telling Dr.Yoon to take the baby and care for it, she said not to do anything bad to the baby, and he did what she asked," he finished.

"And..?" Inseong said.

"I'm that baby"

I sigh as I look at him. "How much does Jaeyoon know?" I wondered as he laughed. "Jaeyoon knows more than you think," he said. "He hates the fact that I didn't tell him before" 

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