Chapter Eighteen (FINAL)

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2011, July 20

Jung-gu, Daegu

I sat up on Jaeyoon's bed, noticing my still naked body. All the memories of last night flew through my head as I quickly hide my face in my hands, feeling my face heat up. "Good morning, baby," Jaeyoon said from behind me as he placed his hand on my thigh.

"Morning, Yoonie," I smiled and looked back at his sleepy self. I giggled as I leaned back and placed kisses along his face.

"Wake up~," I said and poked his cheeks. He smiled as his dimples were now noticeable, giving myself a chance to touch them I smiled to myself and I poked his dimples.

"Don't have too much fun," Jaeyoon laughed and opened his eyes more than he pulled me closer to him. Both my hands landed on the sides of his head as I looked down at him.

"I like the view," he smirked. I hid my face in the blanket and hit his chest playfully.

"Ah, stop~"

"Jaeyoon! Please come downstairs!" his mother yelled as I looked up at him.

"She needs me to babysit her friend's son," he told me. "His mother got taken away a few days ago, and now I need to be a babysitter" I smiled and got off the bed, receiving my clothes and redressing myself. I follow Jaeyoon out the bedroom door and downstairs to see a face I knew. He was the kid I passed while looking for Dawon, and at the movie theatre.

"I'm leaving now, have fun," his mom said as she left.

"I'm not a child, I don't know why I need a babysitter," he pouted cutely.

"What's his name?" I asked Jaeyoon as he sat on the floor.

"Kang Chanhee," I sat next to Jaeyoon and smiled.

"You're still a child to me," I joked.

"I'm 11 years old!" he said.

I watched the boy get mad when we called him a child. Chanhee crossed his arms and face the opposite way from us. "I'm sorry, you're not a child anymore," I said and ruffled his hair, standing up quickly. His frown quickly turned into a smile as he looked up at me.

"Yeah, that's right, I'm a man!" he cheered as I laughed.

"Child," I muttered under my breath as he noticed.

"Can we watch a movie?" Chanhee asked and looked through Jaeyoon's bookshelf of movies. Jaeyoon picked out a child's a movie that he had for a while and put it in the movie player as he sat on the couch. Chanhee stayed on the floor while I sat next to Jaeyoon. I placed my head on his shoulder while he wrapped his arm around my waist. While watching the movie, I let out small giggles.

"Gosh, you're such a child," Jaeyoon laughed at me and I looked up at him.

"Am not!" I refused and pouted. Jaeyoon smiled and pushed his lips against mine. I kissed back quickly. 

"Hey, save that for later," Chanhee yelled as he looked back at us. I broke the kiss and looked at Chanhee. 

"Sorry," I chuckled and went back to watching the movie.

I felt Jaeyoon's hand in my hair as he curled my hair between his fingers, causing me to get tired. As soon as I know it, I was slowly falling asleep with a smile on my face.

2018, August 11
Jung-gu, Daegu

All nine of the boys ended up all becoming friends, ignoring the large age difference's. Jaeyoon now worked at a gym, being people's personal trainers while Inseong decided to become a writer to write about his life and let people know what happened to him. The rest still haven't decided on what they wanted.

In 2012, they found out that Dr.Yoon passed away from a heart attack, meaning that everything was now over, and safe.

Jaeyoon and Inseong, who were together for 6 years now, was planning to soon have a party for the six years they knew each other.

Inseong sat at the table as he watched the 8 other boys walking around Jaeyoon's house. Jaeyoon walked towards him and smiled as Inseong looked up at him. 

"Happy 6 years, baby" he smiled and cupped his face, leaning down and kissed his lips. Inseong kissed back and placed his hands on Jaeyoon's hips. He soon pulled away and sat at the table. Rowoon slowly walked towards us as he sat down too. 

"Hello, I haven't seen you in a while," Rowoon smiled and sat back on the chair. 

"What are you doing now anyway?" Inseong asked Rowoon while looking over at him. 

"Oh, I'm a model now, along with my girlfriend," he smiled. 

"How long have you had a girlfriend?" Inseong wondered as he grabbed the bottle of wine and slowly poured himself a glass. 

"About a year now," he replied.

After the short get together. Inseong had to leave for an interview about his newest book. Inseong walked up into the set and smiled at the woman. Inseong slowly made his way to the chair and sat down, looking towards the cameras, along with the number of people there watching.

"Going live in 3,2,1, go," the man said. 

"Hello and welcome Kim Inseong to the show. Inseong is here to talk about his newest book, which is based on his own life, am I correct?" she wondered. Inseong nodded and flashed a big smiled. "Now, please tell us why you wanted to make this book," she said. 

"I was born with a strange gift, the ability to do what no human has done before. It's all mixed up in my head, the images, the sounds, the smell. I need to remember, put things in order up to this moment. I need to remember who I am. If I had to say how it all began, I might as well start here."


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