The assistant nurse handed him a syringe and the doctor walked up right next to the patient.
"There there. This will make the pain go away." he said as he caressed her face.

The patients muffled scream intensified as she struggled even more.

The nurse held down her head as the doctor quickly injected the thick needle into her neck.

Not even a second later, the patient fell unconscious.

Is she dead? What did they do to her?

Taehyung's heart was beating without any rest. He had cold sweat dripping down his forehead and was beginning to feel unsteady. He begged for the doctor to leave.

"Report to me after 2 hours. If she shows any signs of symptoms, notify me immediately." The doctor instructed.

"Yes doctor."

As he wished, the nurse and the doctor left the cubicle without any further examination.

Taehyung stood up from his hiding spot and looked at the patient.

Her body laid motionless and still. He wondered if she was alive or breathing at all.

Because Taehyung was out of breath from holding it in the whole time, he panted as he waited an extra minute before leaving the room.


He's rather late.
Thought Jungkook while he waited for Taehyung to comeback. It's already been 15 minutes since the older had left for the bathroom.

Did he get lost?

Jungkook was thinking of calling him when the older came running down the hallway in a rushed manner.

Why is he running?

"We have to get out of here." Taehyung grabbed the youngers arm and pulled him up.

"W-wait what's wrong? Taehyung what are you—"

"We have to get out, come on!" The older pulled, making his way over to the exit.

"What's going on? Hey—"

"Mr. Jeon?" A deep voice called on behind them.

The two stopped in their tracks and turned around.

"Dr. Harrison." Said Jungkook.

The doctor and his assistant made his way over to the two.
"Hello Jungkook, I heard you were looking for me."

"H-hi, I was. But I- um." Jungkook stuttered. He wasn't sure if Taehyung still wanted to leave and looked at him.

Taehyung nodded his head in approval but still held the youngers arm tightly.

"It was about yesterday, and I can't seem to remember anything. I called in this morning to see what happened but they told me I was never treated here yesterday." He explained.

"There must have been a mistake. You certainly did stay at our institute, I was with you." Dr. Harrison chuckled. "Sometimes the information can get lost in here, which may be why you're not on the patients' list."

Taehyung watched the doctor as he explained the situation. He was skeptical about the 'information getting lost' but then, why would a doctor lie to their patients?

"And as for me losing my memory....?" Jungkook added.

"Well, yesterday we got a call and heard that you were out missing. We found you and took you here. And I saw that you haven't been taking your medications regularly, which is probably why you passed out on the streets."

"Because of my medication?"

"I've told you this before but remember, blue pill twice a day, white pill once a day."

"S-sorry, I keep forgetting." The younger apologized.

"Oh and I almost forgot, I booked you a follow-up appointment this Thursday at 3 pm with me."
Dr. Harrison checked his clipboard.
"We can talk more then. Alright?"

"Thank you. I'll be here on Thursday."

"Remember, blue pill twice a day and white pill once a day." Dr. Harrison repeated.

"Yes Doctor." Jungkook replied with a hesitant smile.

The doctor then looked at Taehyung and acknowledged him with a small smile before saying goodbye to Jungkook.

As soon as Dr. Harrison walked away, Taehyung pulled them out of the building before anyone else stopped them.

"This place is insane."


"It's like an asylum. There's some crazy shit going on in there. You shouldn't be here."

"It's just a hospital...there's not much about it."

"It's a mental health institution. I saw what was in the restricted room. People were testing stuff in patients and-and it was horrifying!"

"You went into the restricted room? Are you stupid?" Jungkook scolded him.

"Yes, and people were getting tested with these injections."

"Maybe you're just seeing things. You saw Dr. Harrison, he was a normal doctor. I've been going to this place for a few years now and not once have I experienced anything of what you just said."

"Or maybe you just don't remember." Taehyung mumbled.


"Nothing. Now hurry your ass up I want the fuck out of here."


I'm changing my guess to "Expensive girl Pt.2"

Q: Are you reading this on phone or computer?

Vkook | ROOMMATE TWOTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon