Chapter Two-Apple of My Eye

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I started to get to know Elga more and more, She told me where she was from and it startled me, Englewood, NJ? One my cousin lives there, and two she's closer to her home than me. But Elga started revealing all these things about natural hair products I saw on her dresser. What? Why have I never heard of this?? Elga has red kinky hair, the skin color of caramel, and such a beautiful face. She's pretty, i'm pretty, we're a pretty group of girls you can say.

Elga took me to the cafe down the street to get something to eat. I realize there were a lot of cute guys out here. But some are obnoxious. We were just walking down the street, and these guys started staring at us. But I think they were staring me down. Ughh, I hate that, just because I'm wearing a dress that my figure can stand out in, doesn't mean you have to eyeball it.

Anyways, in the cafe, we saw "Chads Cheeseburgers" I decided to choose that to eat for dinner. I'm standing on the line and this guy is at the food place to the right. He's about 6'1 and the sexiest thing I've ever saw. I felt butterflies in my heart when I looked at him. Gosh I fell into a gaze. This guy looked like he went to the gym everyday. Muscles just buldging out of his shirt. His curly hair I just wanted to run my hands through. The most beautiful chocolate skin. I fell in love instantly. "Did you realize that you seduced that hottie over there" Elgar said. This guy was completely starring me down. OMG I had to turn away from him, he had a smurk on his face, not quite sure of what that ment. But I felt a love connection. A strong love connection. An experience I never had before. " Excuse me miss, can you move up?" The cashier told me. I Just looked like a complete fool right now. "Hi, how may I help you" she said. " Hi, umm can I have two chad cheeseburger meals with two dr. peppers." I answered. "That'll be $8.33." Elgar stopped me right before I took my money out to combine it with her's for the food. " Serenity, you just came here, I'll pay for it." Elga said. I couldnt believe Elga would spend her money on someone she rarley knows. " Ok, thanks alot Elga" I said. " Its out of Elga's kindness." Elga said. " Ya gotcha food, now get off the line." The cashier said in a nasty tone. Elga told me not to say nothing back, but the one thing I never took was disrespect, a behind whoopen would be in someones agenda if the wanted to try to get crazy with me. It wouldnt be the right day for me because that guy was there. Im not sure if I would ever see this beautiful guy again.

Elga and I went to go sit down to eat. All my eyes did was follow him. He sat at this table with a bunch of cute guys. But out of all of them, he still stood out. As I was talking to Elga, he spotted me and still stared at me. " Elga, he's doing it again!" In an excited whisper. "Where!" Elga turned her head every which way, " Stop doing that now! He's a few tables behind you smart one, and he saw what just happend." Gosh Im sorry, lets get out of here" Elga said.

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