"Is that the truth or dare game?" Gavin asked.

"Yes. The only time I've seen them used was with all girls, so it will be interesting to see how it works tonight if we decide we need them."

"I'm sure they'll be entertaining." He had changed out of his uniform into a polo shirt and khakis and came to stand right in front of me.

"So, people are coming at nine, right?"

"Uh huh."

It was hard to think with his face looming so close to mine. He leaned over, placing a hand on either side of where I stood pressed against the counter.

"Thanks for helping me set up."

"Not a problem. It's my job too."

"Yeah, very true. I think we make a good team. Maybe this won't be the only party we co-host."

I forced a smile, ready for him to move back.

"Look, I really like you, Molly. You're—"


He placed a finger on my lips. "Shh. Just let me finish."

I nodded.

"You're exactly the kind of woman I've been hoping to meet. You're smart, beautiful, and a lot of fun. I really think we should make a go of this."

"What happened to waiting for me to finish my rebound?" I swallowed hard. Gavin had such a bad habit of dropping things on me at the beginning of an evening.

"I'm not as patient as I thought. Why should I wait for you to mess around when I can offer you so much more? You deserve more. You aren't the kind of woman who should ever settle for being someone's late night hook-up." He watched me warily, like he wanted to say the words, but he was afraid of taking it too far.

"Not to burst your bubble, but I'm not settling as someone's 'late night hookup.' I'm the one setting the terms, not Ben."

"Either way, it's beneath you."

"Ouch." I didn't try to hide how much his words bothered me.

"You know I'm right." His eyes challenged me to disagree.

"What if I don't want more? I've had more, and it didn't turn out so great."

"Yeah, you got burned. I'm sorry, but it's better you broke up before the wedding, right? At least it wasn't a divorce. You can't let it keep you from trying to find a real and meaningful relationship again—especially one that could be so good."

I was so focused on his words about the break up with Adam—on it being better than a divorce—if he only knew the truth—that I didn't prepare myself for what was so obviously coming.

Gavin's lips hit mine for a moment before I could respond by turning my head. "Stop, I'm sorry, but this isn't going to happen." I pushed my hands firmly into his chest.

He stepped back slightly, giving a frustrated sigh. "It can't happen if you don't give it a chance. Don't I get at least one kiss—one real kiss to convince you?"

"No. Come on." Even the split seconds his lips were on mine made me feel like something was wrong. There was only one set of lips I wanted.

He backed away, hands out in front of him in defense. "A guy has to try, right?"

"I guess." I saw a space and moved, willing the doorbell to ring, announcing guests.

I turned when I felt his hand on my shoulder. "Hey, I didn't mean to upset you. I'll be good, okay?"

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