You grab your phone from where it lies on the bed and march through the open sliding door and onto the deck, heading straight into the garden until you are safely protected by a large tree that blocks you from the sight of the house and protects you from the worried gazes of your friends.

As if by instinct you turn on your phone and go straight to your chat with Law. You hesitate and take a deep breath to cool off. The sun is hot and fuels your rage but the canopy of the tree shields you from the harsh rays and with time you know that you'll cool off. You take a moment to just breathe and listen to the leaves rustling in the wind and the birds chirping cheerily, in an odd unsynchronised tune.

If you can talk to anyone it is Law. He has been involved in this before, to what extent you aren't sure, and managed to escape. It might be selfish to bring him into this but you are at a dead end, your life potentially at stake to someone a lot closer to home than you had originally thought.

You aren't sure if Law is awake yet but decide to message him anyway, hopefully he'll be up soon.

hey」you test.

Luckily for you Sanji hasn't gone after you and everyone seems to have understood your requirement for some personal space. Your phone buzzes and you glance down at it to see Law's reply.

「hey, what's up」

Your fingers hover over the keyboard as you are suddenly unsure of what to say or how to say it. What should you say first? That your DNA is in the hands of some criminal who won't get paid until you are dead? That you have witnessed two crimes in the time you've been here? Or maybe that you watched your father murder someone. You think back to what he had told you about your father. He's obviously been in the business for a long time, probably longer than you've been alive and he seems to have influence, why else would Law have kept quiet about all that he witnessed? The other thing you remember is the uncle that had remained unknown to you for most of your life. According to Law this 'Rocinante' guy had died years ago.

What happened to Rocinante?」you type at last.

「Do you really want to know this?」Law asks. 「It could change your view of your father forever, do you really want that?」

I want the truth

You have already watched your father kill someone, what more could change your view of your father?

「Rocinante was working for your father under the codename Corazon, that's who I knew him as」Law begins his story. 「He was working as a double agent for a group of law enforces who were investigating Doflamingo's newly formed crime group. It was the only option for any poor foolish teenager, and I was one of them.」you feel kind of bad for bringing up the obviously bad memories from a past that Law would rather forget. 「Corazon tried to discourage us but we stayed on, determined to make names for ourselves in the criminal underworld.」

The fact that Law had once shared this criminal lifestyle with your father hadn't properly set in your mind. You aren't entirely sure if you would want to hear about the things Law once did but at least he has left it behind.

「After a while I learnt to trust him and he showed me that there is still light in this world, which sounds really cheesy but it's what happened. Anyway we were going to get some treatment for a disease I had and on the way Corazon went to drop off some information on Doflamingo to his true bosses. We went to meet with another of their agents but the guy turned out to be working for your father and spying on the law. His name was Vergo」

Your blood runs cold. This man who is after your blood had managed to sneak under the nose of a group of law enforcers for who knows how long.

「Doflamingo was informed of his brother's betrayal and came over to shoot Corazon himself.」Law concludes.

The fact that your father would do such a thing to a member of his own family makes you feel even more detached from the easy going life you had once known. Even if you told your father that it was you who witnessed Vergo's crime it would not ensure your safety from the dark haired man.

Is it possible that dad also killed my brother?」you ask in a moment of bravery, unsure whether you would actually like to know the truth.

「I haven't seen the limits of your father, but Corazon was very dear to him and Doflamingo hurt all who did so much as criticize him. Corazon was all he had left from a past golden age」Law replies. You can tell that he's trying not to give you a definite answer, that he's still trying to protect you from a likely truth.

Your mind grows fuzzy as the rage towards your father sets in. He is a liar, lying about his business, his colleagues and his money. He keeps his whole family in the dark about his true nature and murders without a second thought. Worst of all he put your mother through one of the worst experiences she could have, losing a child. And he acted sad about it, as if he sympathised with her.

Would he even care if you just dropped dead? Or are you just another disposable object that can be tossed if you don't function according to his expectations.

I'll be back tomorrow, we'll talk more then. In person」you hurriedly type to Law. You push yourself off the hot ground and make your way back into the house, looking a lot more alive than you have for the past twelve hours.

With a firm stride and determination in your eyes you decide that your father will not influence you anymore. Just because he is a cold blooded criminal doesn't mean you will be doomed to the same fate. 

My Reality (Trafalgar Law X Reader) | One PieceWhere stories live. Discover now