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B a r b i e . . .

Took a sip of apple juice before sitting the carton back on her desk. Writing a terrible review often made her extremely thirsty, which happened quite often. 

A week ago she had purchased a Ryan Gosling look alike boyfriend from a website called, The website had compiled a list of guys who looked like Ryan Gosling.  Each guy had a picture and a brief description. 

Barbie knew she'd never find her own Ken, but who needed a Ken when you could have a Ryan Gosling? 

It was perfect, maybe a little too perfect, but that didn't stop Barbie. She was desperate at the time to get her mother and sister off her back. For the past three months she had been forced into going on blind dates set up by her own mother. She should've known it was a bad idea to begin with but she agree for some stupid reason. 

Most of the guys were either heavily religious or extremely obnoxious with their huge and long words. She just wanted to stay at home and never come out, but her mother thought it was very odd and unhealthy. 

Barbie thought the internet was like mediating, very relaxing and peaceful. 

A day before she found the website she had been in the living room with her mother. They were watching one of those gossip type of shows which Barbie hated. She was about to turn the channel when Ryan Gosling popped up on the side. 

"Ryan Gosling is the most sexiest man alive and also a father to be." The host of the show announced. 

Babrie gaped at the television screen, completely devasted. 

She knew Gosling had a partner but she viewed the girl as an obstacle, not a threat. Boy was she proved wrong. 

After the show had eneded her mother had jokingly told her, "Too bad you can't buy your own Ryan Gosling." 

Barbie had shrugged off her mother's comment, but somehow later that night she had found heself on the very website she was on now. 

 Instead of finding the guy of her dreams on her doorstep, she was greeted by a beared guy wearing a a shirt with the words 'Shake my tree' in bold letters at the top. 

"You're not Ryan Gosling." She had told him in a monotone voice before adding, "I'm  disappointed." With a stern look she slammed the door in his face. 

On the outside she was cool, calm, and collective. 

On the inside she was like a volcano erupting. 

Barbie had paid a hundred dollars for her own Gosling and all she got was a beared guy who smelt like cheese. 

Instead of calling a friend and ranting about her experience she did what she usually did when something didn't go her way. She wrote about it. 

She'd written in full detail about what had happened and titled it 'False advertisement' before clicking send. 

This will teach them, She thought. 

But what Barbie didn't know was that she was the one who was about to be taught a lesson - two or three actually. 

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