how you met! Pyrope

Start from the beginning

But- Bine didn't believe her a said "Trolls are liars and lawbreakers! For all I know is that you could be a criminal!" I think he triggered her by 'Lawbreakers' and I stupidly intervene when she was about to say something.

" Sir, I do see her with a receipt."

I called him Sir! Eww. I looked at his name tag like I didn't know him.

"Please Sir Bine, If you can kindly give back her bag OF items that she pays for which is evidenced by the RECEIPT." Usually If a little kid points someone out with their name people will look at them, they would feel eyes on them, and they will do the right thing that society determined was right.

Just like that Bine gave the girl her goodies, But weeks of know this Butt head he will say something about no Troll allowed in the mall.

" There is a Rule about No Troll in the mall! Didn't you see that! I'm calling the cops about that!"

Do I win a prize? No? Okay.

The Girl smiles, that smile made both Bine and me feel uneasy. I feel more like a puppet now.

"I'm Blind. How would I saw that rule?"

The rules don't have

Braille for the blind. Smart girl here.. Wait for what? Why would you think that? Bine is out of words for once in his life and the Blind girl is nudging me to go with her; I followed her to a less crowded street.

I feel like I should go... I should tell her that.

" Hey... I should go home I'll catch you later!" Before I could walk away she said.

"You're going to leave a Blind girl alone at Night?" Oh God no...

"No, I'm not, I'm leaving a girl who can easily beat me up plus it's like 4:13 and the sun is out and shinning" I failed to get out of this, why mouth, why do you say stuff like that? Oh right! I pretty much pull everything I say out of my butt! Is this girl giggling?

"My name is Terezi yours?"

I think I became her friend?

" I am (F/N) it's nice to meet you Terezi."

Oh, she trick me to walk home.. Or home to this creepy hotel... I should have been more focused.

"Oh mom and Latula aren't here... You should come inside with me to play (F/N)! I have a cool new board games! I'll even let you pick the red guy!" How can she tell they aren't home? And I'm sure she will not be giving me the red guy.

I take a deep breath.

" You make a hard bargain Ms. Terezi. But you failed to see that I want Yellow guy." oh no I said to see. I'm the worse person on Earth. Wait maybe she doesn't care.

Terezi gasped, " I SEE that now!" Okay I now know that she does now with me coz I Laughed then she laughed

*Three hours later*

I lost the board games for the fourth times out of five.

" Terezi did you let me win the first game" She giggled and gave me a smile. "Why would I do that for?" She won one of my red clip on hair that she put in her mouth.

Which I replied with " to hook me in colorful ga-" I was interrupted by a young lady in a jumpsuit, yelling and kicked the door open! "THE RADITZ GIRL IS HERE!"

The adult Troll came in and scolded the teen about yell and kicking the door, then she notices me; she didn't like that I was here, but she was calm and spoke nicely, "Sorry, Terezi isn't allowed to bring friends over, today". Being the idiot that I am, I said: "a good thing that Terezi and I are not friends yet." I should leave, then I got up, and speed walks out of their room or well-tried too. I was stopped.

"You should take your stuff, I don't think you'll be able to get it back if you leave." I don't know what the adult talking about, I have all my stuff with me. I kindly told her that.

It took maybe minutes to an hour to explain that and what happened at the mall. I noted that this Adult's name is Redglare, she really cares about her kids and the law. I think she cares more about her kid then the law but I wouldn't know that. I know it is that I need to get home, now or not go home at all.

"I need to go home! Smell you later tz!" I ran but was snatched up by the teen named Latula

"Hey! Their Babe! It too dark for you to just walk home alone. Let the Rad girl walk you to your hive!!" Either Redglare or I like that, but for two different reasons. Redglare didn't want her oldest daughter to leave with a stranger's kid and I didn't really have a hive "home" go to.

"Latula I will walk (F/N) home" she took me way from Latula. "And when I get back, you two we will have a talk" They seem to know what their Mother was Aiming for and nodded.

Like that Redglare and I were off. She put me down when we get to the slidewalk. She smiled at me, not like 'hey you', it was Like 'you had information about a crime or Mafia.'. Why would I, (F/N) have info on the Mafia that just crazy! Hahahaha!

"Where do you live (F/n)?"I told her where my auntie lives. I don't like auntie, she a bad person I was supposed to live with her. I do go back, I always come back to her. It's like a sick relationship. You need to be really strong to get out of It. The small talk didn't end. I felt like I was getting interrogated.

It didn't take long for us to get to her door, But it did feel like Hours. Redglare knocks the door and like that Auntie opens the door, she looked so happy to see me, that I got a hug...

Auntie was an Actress, the movies she in is all over the place. She gets outta trouble, like kill a man Trouble. I ran in the hive as the two Adults talked and talked.

I got to look around.. Auntie made the game harder for me to win. I win the game, I need to win, losing this game will cost my life. Auntie broke my dear Uncle Mike., but she won't break me.

The door closes, and the clicks of locks. Redglare left, why would I care about that? She just a lady who wants her family to be okay. No need to brag that nice lady in.

I hear Auntie coming closer, the Game had started. The goal is to survive.

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