~ Ch. 2 ~

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                        Yugi's POV

    Well, it's lunchtime already and I've already had a busy first day of school. One thing that did disturb me was the constant stares and whispers that I would hear directed towards me as I walked with Tristan and Ryou. I try not to listen but, my super-hearing doesn't help. They're mainly about me but every once in a while I hear some about Ryou. I understand that it's hard for him, his brother is a member of the Black Luster Lycans and he is dating Akeifa from the Red Eyes. I wish I could help him but, I can't really do anything unless I reveal my species, which I can't afford to. I am one of the few remaining Pureblood Jaguar Draconis Lycanas. To put it simply I am half jaguar and half dragon. My race is extremely old and our native home was South America, but we were hunted to near extinction and moved to Egypt centuries before I was born. There are less than 1,000 of us in the world. (Picture is not mine, credit belongs to WildSpiritWolf on DeviantArt)

 (Picture is not mine, credit belongs to WildSpiritWolf on DeviantArt)

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    I am actually really small for my species. The doctors think it is because I am the first that was born in Egypt and not our native home. I have no idea if that's really true or not and I no longer have anyone to ask either. My parents died when I was two......my memory is a blur of that night. The only thing I remember is being adopted by the Muto's and growing up with Heba. He is also the same species as me but he is not a Pureblood, his family line is mixed with Werewolves. He is in charge of our race until I am old enough to take over. Heba is 20 while I am 18. The only ones who actually even know the truth about me are Joey, Ryou, Tristan, and Seto.

    "Yugi?!" I snapped out of my thoughts as I looked to see Tristan looking at me. "I'm sorry, what were we talking about?" I asked. "How do you like school so far?" Ryou asked. "Well, I've always been home-schooled so it's different. The classes seem fun and the teachers seem to be very nice." I said. "Are you going to try out for the soccer team?" Ryou asked. "Yeah, he is! I am the Team Captain and tryouts are after school today. I've already seen you play and I know you will get a spot on the team, but the Coach wants to see how you are." Tristan explained. Oh, did I forget to mention that I played soccer over in Egypt? Well, I do and Tristan wants me to try out for the team. Heba thinks it's a good idea too. "I guess I have no choice." I said, chuckling while Tristan wrapped an arm around my shoulders.

    The rest of the school day went by in a blur and before I knew it, I was done with the tryouts and the Coach gave me a spot as a frontliner. I just got done changing and was about to leave the locker room when the lights started going off and I heard strange noises. They almost sounded..........snakelike.......but that doesn't make any sense.......why would Naga's be here? I jumped a good six feet in the air as a hand landed on my shoulder......turns out it was just Tristan. "Geez, what's got you spooked?" he asked. "You didn't hear?" I asked, he just shook his head. Eh, maybe I'm just tired from tryouts. We got inside his 2016 black and purple Honda Civic and drove off the school property. I noticed we were taking a different route.

    "Tristan where are we going?" I asked him. "Heba wants you to stay at the condo with him," he answered. "B-but what about Grandpa?! He just had a heart attack! We can't leave him alone!" I said, panicking. "Relax, Heba bought Grandpa a ticket to Eygpt, he's going to live with your adoptive parents for a while, to help him relax." Tristan said as we pulled into the private parking for the Condo. Getting out I marched straight to the elevator, Tristan in tow and pressing the floor key. Why wouldn't Heba consult with me on this before deciding for me?! Ugh, this is so infuriating! The doors slid open and I made my presence known by letting the door bang off the wall, instantly getting the attention of the others in the room. My eyes solely focused on one person, my brother sitting on the couch. He sighed and the others took that as the cue to leave. I made my anger known as the door was shut and I marched over to my brother.

    "WHY WOULD YOU DECIDE WHAT YOU THOUGHT WOULD BE BEST FOR GRANDPA BEFORE CONSULTING ME?!?!" I asked, angrily. "Yugi, I just decided it this morning after you left for school. I was going to tell you but, I see Tristan has already beat me to it. It's nothing to get angry over." Heba calmly explained. I could feel my teeth sharpening to points, my claws elongating, my eyes turning into slits. I grabbed at my head.........shit I forgot to take my pill at lunch. Not even a second later I felt a needle in my arm and my body went slack in my brothers hold as my breathing slowed as I calmed down. My eyes started to tear up at the fact that I could've hurt my brother. I let him pull me onto his lap on the couch and started to run his fingers through my hair as my tears started to soak his shirt. Why can't I get control of myself without the damn pill?!

   "I didn't tell you because I wanted you to enjoy your first day of school. The city is no longer safe, not with these gangs around. I couldn't call you during school and I didn't want you to worry about the flight. He called two hours ago saying that he got there and is already settled in. It's alright. Don't beat yourself up over this. It's not like you haven't forgotten the pill before. You'll get the hang of it in time. Why don't you go to bed? I'll let your teachers know that you are sick tomorrow. Today must've been too much for you. Sshhh.........relax Yugi, it's only Cousin Seto." Heba explained as I tensed, then relaxed instantly when I recognized Seto's scent. I tuned out their talk as I started to try to think of ways to control these sudden rages. I searched for a calendar with my eyes and I jumped, if it wasn't for Heba's strong grip on me, I'm sure I would've fallen off the couch onto my back.

    "The full moon.........." I mumbled. Seto and Heba's eyes widened as they too stared at the calendar. "The full moon is Friday.......the full moon is this Friday......." I said, comprehension dawning on my face. I heard Heba giving orders to Seto and Joey, who must've come in only a few minutes ago. Heba turned me to look at him. "Joey and Seto are going to get the others and they are going to find you a cave deep within the forest of Domino so you can safely transform there and remain there for the rest of the night," Heba explained and hugged me. "This explained your mood swings lately." Back home, whenever someone would go through a change, we had specialty cages where the person would be contained until the change was over. It was mainly used on new shifters but.....being a Pureblood, not only do I shift whenever I want on command, I also have the natural instinctual need to shift on the full moon, I think it's from my dragon half. But, this full moon is different as well. This would be the moon if I were back home when I would find the other two to complete my Triad or Mates. I knew I smelled scents in the area that I caught myself purring in public, but...I never thought that I would find them this soon. I'm actually hoping that they are not vampires......whoever my mates are.......I'm scared for their safety.......mainly because they have to go through a very protective Heba.


[ So that's it for chapter two!! What do ya'll think so far?? I really don't have much of a plot going on, hence why I really need to change the description once I have a CLEAR idea of what I want to happen. If there's anything specific ya'll wanna see let me know in either the comments or just message me =) ]

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