Gilbert Blythe | You Are Much More To Me

Start from the beginning

"You know, Y/N.. you are much more to me than just an object.." Gilbert suddenly blurts out..

"W-What?" You were a bit caught off-guard.

"Everyone in school.. they seem to treat you more like an object. They like you so follow you and hover sometimes. And Billy seems to just eye you all the time."

"You are so much more to me than that." He spoke in a gently and kind tone.

"I-I.." you didn't know what to say.

You stayed silent for a bit before speaking.

"A-Aren't you supposed to be studying? You are very behind, Blythe." You teased the boy.

"I am. But I have an excuse to not do it when I talking to you." He smiled down at you.

"Gilbert, you are rather handsome. But if you'd like to be friends or come over, you should just ask." You teased him with a smirk as you watched him turn red.

"Are you not man enough?"

"Come on, be a man." You chuckled.

"I am." He suddenly tried to be confident and show that he was a man.

He suddenly stood up more straight and tried to look as manly as possible.

But you just bust out in a fit of giggles, "W-What are you doing?" You laughed.

"I'm being a man?" He was confused as to why you were laughing but soon figured out it was probably because he looked ridiculous.

"O-Oh." He scratched the back of his neck as he watched you laugh at him.

"Gilbert Blythe, you are by far the funniest boy I've ever met." You giggled at him as you looked into his hazel eyes and smiled.

"What did I do to become funny?" He was utterly confused.

"You really don't know?"

"No.." he replied.

"You are the worst at trying to flirt with me. And you make everything 10x harder for yourself because you don't want to just ask." You chuckled at him as he turned a bit red.

"I am really good at making you blush, Y/N." He muttered.

"Gilbert, you make me laugh more than you make me blush. I'm sorry.." you laughed at the nervous and embarrassed boy.

"You have nice eyes. They are very.. majestic.." he attempted to flirt once again.

But once again, you bust out laughing in a fit of giggles. You couldn't help it.

"Majestic?" You laughed.

"Hey, saying your eyes are majestic is a compliment." He defended himself as he watched you laugh at him.

"But it sounds so funny." You laughed.

"Gilbert, just give normal compliments. And talk to me when you want and ask me the things you want to ask me. You make everything so much harder." You giggled as you spoke.

"Okay. May i walk you home then?" He asked as he held out his hand to accompany you.

"You may." You put your hand in his before you both started walking out the door of the schoolhouse.

And that was the start of your relationship with Gilbert. Not even two weeks later were you both together. Everyone seemed happy for you.

Even Billy Andrews.

But you were the happiest. Because Gilbert Blythe always made you feel loved, and made you laugh, and always made sure you were happy..


I hope you enjoyed it!

I'm going on a mini vacation tomorrow so I won't be able to update until after then!

Also, I have bad news.. I did break up with my boyfriend. I was upset at first but I think I'm okay now. It's not like I truly knew him. He would never tell me about himself or his family. That's why we broke up.  He never even started a conversation. It's was always me who had to do it. And I never got any good morning or good night texts either.. So I couldn't be that upset over it. Although, I actually was because I did really like him..


I also have good news! I've been talking to one of my old guys friends recently and I'm going to a movie with him next Saturday.

FUN FACT: we used to like each other a lot

Yeah.. I don't know if we still do. But it'll be really nice to see him again. I haven't seen him in 4 years. We saw each other again in January with my mom and his mom and went to lunch and a movie which was really fun. But I can't wait to see him again soon!

And he makes me feel like he enjoys talking to me. I NEVER have to start the conversation with him. He always starts it first. He sends me good-morning and goodnight texts. And then we end up talking all day long. He makes me feel like someone actually does want to talk to me. Which is really nice..

Anyway, I really hope that wasn't an annoying rant and boring! I just needed to get that off my chest💕

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