Gilbert Blythe | Competition

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                  Requested by: r-remix


"Alright, next word is Peace." Mr Phillips announces as it was your turn to spell the word.

You were up against Gilbert Blythe, the boy who always tried his hardest to beat you at everything.

"P-E-A-C-E. Peace." You spelled out loud quite proud of yourself.

" Callous." Mr Phillips spoke.

"C-A-L-L-O-U-S. Callous." Gilbert Blythe looked over and smiled at you.

He always made you quite i'm comfortable with his staring.

You scoff at the boy before turning back forward.

"Spell gorgeous."

"G-O-R-G-E-O-U-S. Gorgeous." You kept your eyes forward but you could feel his eyes still on you.

God, why does he have to be so annoying.

The class cheered every time we got it right. But you were as nervous as ever. There was no way you were going to lose. Let alone lose to Gilbert Blythe.


"O-S-T-R-A-C-I-Z-E. Ostracize." He spoke aloud.

"Haughty." Mr Phillips said as he walked around the room.

"H-A-U-G-H-T-Y. Haughty." You stumbled over your words for a moment.


"That is incorrect." Mr Phillips said as everyone cheered for you.

"Y/N, you won!" Diana cheered

Gilbert looked over to you with a huge grin before walking over to you.

"Congratulations, Y/N!" He smiled brightly at you.

You simply nod at the boy before walking back to your seat and sitting down.


"Alright, Y/N and Gilbert are the only one left!" The classroom exclaimed as they watch the two of you carefully.

"Be careful, Y/N, you might lose this time." He smiled at you but you  just shook it off.

"I will be ever so surprised if you win, Gilbert Blythe." The two of you were the last ones in the short story competition in school. It was the children's decision to which one was better.

And of course yours had to be as romantic and most tragical.

"Alright, you go first, Y/N." Diana told me.

You stood up and walked to the desk in the front of the classroom.

You cleared your throat before you started reading, "she said she would dance with me if I brought her red roses," you began.


Once you finished yours everyone cheered for you causing you to smile brightly at everyone. Your eyes met with Gilbert and for a moment you just stared at each other with smiles before you cleared your throat and stepped off the stairs.

His excessive staring always made you quite uncomfortable but he always continued to do so.

"Tragical romance and all." Gilbert spoke when you walked past him.

"Indeed." You smiled before taking your seat.

"Alright, it's Gilbert's turn."

Gilbert walked up to the desk in the front of the school and stared at you for a moment with a twinkle in his eye before he began.

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