Part 5: understandings - Feelings

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On the cold morning of the fourth day of his fall and forced alliance, the tyrant returned to leave the human on the ground and now he just had to wait, he could growl or shout at him, but he didmn't.

I could kick him or lift him by force, but he didn't, the hatred of the human being is still valid, but he decided not to do anything but wait ... follow the established rules. something that at least the boy tried to follow, he does, and that for a young human is extraordinary, the alien knows, the children don't follow the rules, so he is surprised that the human does it ..

Maybe he does it out of fear, the boy never won without help, but now he's alone, with his worst enemy ..

And the leader shows that he is a threat, he earns the respect of everyone by demonstrating his strength, at least authorities and adults.

But ... Vilgax is not a beast, he is a cold  calculator , a clever liar, sometimes attacking doesn't work, he must know how to cheat, convince people to use them, make them believe that they work together, only to finish their plan. 

He learned to be a good liar for others to listen to or obey ... but with a different child, it is difficult to catch someone who doesn't listen, who disobeys easily, must gain their trust ... and it is difficult when they already have a history, but little by little there is trust, there is a false belief in mutual protection and that is enough to keep it close ..

Or that is what he believes, from the first day, he knew that he should deceive him, maintain his firm position as general and also give him free will, deceive him with the belief that he needed him, use every opportunity in his favor ... even with the stress that the child provoked, he protected and helped him. Thinking that he's are following a typical plan, until that night ..

That night, with his enemy at his side ... that moment of calm, confidence, that moment where the child shared something interesting ... something came up, something changed ... vilgax worried for him. A real concern for the young hero, even a feeling ... fatherly ...?

He couldn't remove that from his mind, with the hero on his arm, asleep, huddled, he never felt anything like that again for an inferior species.

Once he had a concern for a Chimera Sui Generis girl in danger, but it was part of his job as ruler, he loves his people, he does anything for them, but ... why he has the same feeling for a simple, insignificant and unbearable human?

His enemy, too! why? Why?

He doesn't understand it, but he can ignore it, he can follow his plan ... he must do it.

Soon he turned his gaze, the boy was waking up, he made that soft sound again, he rubbed his eyes and finally opened them, looked around, it seems he doesn't want to accept that he is still far from his family ... he sighed slightly and arranged his clothes , then looked at his side, to vilgax ..

He was watching him, when their eyes met in silence, the Conqueror stood up "eat something fast, we must continue" he spoke calmly but seriously.

Ben just nodded tired and ate some candy.

The forest is silent, some birds can be seen flying in the distance, the leaves on the ground, the breeze moving the branches making them dance, the sunlight sneaking through the leaves and branches. Vilgax felt the calm that caused the place, although by nature, he was on alert, he never let down his guard.

Ben was bored, so calm was exasperating for someone like him, an energetic young child, so he changed shape, beast and ran, jump, acting like an animal, playing and exploring, going through the Conqueror's side, who only let him do it ... being very controlling could break the little confidence they had, he just watched that he didn't get too far away. "Take care where you're going!" He growled just in case... but he knows that he will not listen.

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