Part 8 - Truce - Fight

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Who has seen something very scary knows how difficult, if not impossible,is to regain sleep ... that was the case for the young hero, who even with his bravery and heroism, was still a young human, one who was afraid of the monsters of the night, even more so when he saw that they were real.

When he finally felt he could close his eyelids, the giant beside him spoke.

"Stand up boy" he said in a calm but serious way, as always, he could never be nice? Maybe a good morning? No! The warlord is never kind like others!

With a grunt the boy turned his back on him, asking for five minutes to perhaps regain his strength ... but that couldn't happen here!

Suddenly he was overwhelmed, and when he least saw it coming, he was already outside, the rays of the sun seemed very bright, they almost left him blind! Oh no, maybe just the change from dark to full brightness was too fast ..

"Urgh! Hey Put me down! " said annoyed the young man, who had been raised from the discomfort of the rocks and was feeling like a puppy being held by the claws of the Alien, who seemed very annoyed this day ... the good deals seemed to come to an end!

Without saying much, the Alien walked into the forest, he felt that he had been too kind to the earthling ... he couldn't keep wasting his time in that dirty place! He had work to do, planets to watch! an army to repair! his time with the human had brought back memories that he preferred to leave forgotten of a life ... very different.

"Can I at least eat something?" the young man spoke again, who only resigned himself to being led against his will towards the unknown, towards the danger within the forest ... he could use his watch at that moment, but, ah! He was too tired to fly, or run, or just move!

The alien took an apple from a tree and gave it to the boy in a rude way

"Someone got up on the wrong side of the bed!" he scoffed before biting the fruit, and as he expected, there is no response.

They continued like this, in silence, the forest began to be heard, the birds sang and chatted while the foxes hunted, in the distance the deer judged everything that passed nearby.

Between the silent walk, the young human tried to relax, still fearful of what tried to eat them at night ... he began to think about his future as a hero.

Would he have to fight beasts like that? .. would he be in a similar situation like this? Alone, at the mercy of enemies? .. could he survive if it happened again? Could he fight them? He thought about his family .. his grandfather and cousin .. were they looking for them? .. he knows that his grandfather loves him, and Gwen, despite always bothering him .. she worries .. right?

Will they be in the forest? That thing saw them too? .. it found them ? What would they do without Ben's powers? .. his grandfather is brave, but he is still old! And he can barely handle an alien a little bigger than him.

Fear filled him little by little, so much so that he forgot the pain in his body, the cold in his chest was replaced by terror and sadness again .. he doesn't want to lose them! He should have looked for them first! why he stayed with his enemy! Maybe everything is still part of his plan! And he got caught!

"Put me down" he asked angrily .. no response.

"Put me down!" he looked up .. nothing.

"PUT ME DOWN" he yelled as loudly as he could ... nothing, and with that he knew he had to fight, from one moment to another change to Heatblast, and he jumped as far as he could, he felt that his flames were not very powerful but he had to try!

Vilgax looked at him annoyed, but still! He didn't say much, Ben huffed annoyed

"Why you say nothing! What's wrong!?"

The alien just kept going "I don't have time for your nonsense human, since you seem refreshed with energy, I imagine you can go on alone .."

There was no response from the hero, he only saw him continue, he thought about it again .. should he follow him? .. should he run away? .. Vilgax scared whatever wanted to eat them .. but .. should he continue trusting? The change in attitude scared him a bit, it was as if it were the same before the accident ... maybe that was it! One hit did it be a little good?

He didn't know what to do ... he felt lost .. like the first day .. he had to know if his family was okay .. he concentrated, he saw that his fire was barely shining .. but he had to try to reach the horizon .. he should see the end of the forest !

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