How you met! Megido!

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         You can see the Biggest Kid on the playground, in words that some adults describe them as "Brat"; A name that Mom says a lot. Brat is your Father's Best friend Child that comes to the house and is well, Nincompoop, Coccyges, and you guess, pain to All. Their Mother escapes to a Mental Hospital to get away, everyone knows this, just no one says it. You wish you can do the same.

        Your father and his best friend say you are going to be married to that brat Whether you like it or not. Later You said " I would rather commit seppuku." to your mom about this. She said "you will like them one day." no you won't, and If you do you know It would be because your spirit broke and whatever is left is trying to cope. Brat is not even nice to you and used you as bait and as a scapegoat! You hate it! You stop going near them but the adult thinks you're being " You're too harsh" "They're just children who don't know better"(raise your child) and the Best one I heard "That's just him saying he liiikesss yoooou" They literally dragged that sentence out. You don't want someone who likes your Father, and you do believe Even if Brat grows up, he'll be worse. Parents don't even raise him to be a decent human being. Just coach him to do whatever and never saying No.

( your point of view finally after 5 months)

             I keep scanning Park until I see a girl wearing an Indiana Jones hat that was tattered. I couldn't see her clearly though, she was like a pixel on the screen. Well, I'm just saying she's far away. I start slowly sneaking towards her, Ducking behind cars, trees, and some bushes that I pray aren't poison ivy. what are the chances that they put poison ivy around a playground? but I do notice something, other children are staying away from her for some reason. Which I am totally fine with, a new friend for me none for them.

              The reason why I'm sneaking is that if the other kids See me they will drag me Into something I want nothing to be apart of and get in trouble for it, and they tricked me to do stuff too. At ten years old they already How to use someone. I got closer to her, I saw her clear as day now. Grey skin, candy corn horns, and Tattered dirty clothes. I know what she is, she's an anime person that came into the real world. Or an alien.

                To be honest I never seen someone like her before. Well, I rarely meet people outside of my Dad's family because I'm homeschooled and Never allowed outside. Actually, now that I think about it I know no one but these freaks of no decency, no respect for others' personal space and feelings! Don't make me forget this part, them not caring about anyone but themselves this Includes their own children unless it's for their own benefit. Hopefully, I don't have to say what the benefits are. Now that I'm thinking I realized I wasn't really allowed to think! Now I believe I'm really smart! Am I gaining confidence by thinking? I could be ranting like this forever! Even if I wasn't talkin' to myself in a bush With the only company being branches and leaves. But now I found a shovel in the bush, I'm keeping it.

          Looking back at her she moved farther away While some of the kids are getting closer, and picking up rocks. I know how this will end, maybe if I remove her by something revolving Indiana Jones? tell her one of the creepy ghost stories about the wooden areas Having old artifacts. It seems like she's digging with a metal spoon, I mean a metal spoon is better than a plastic shovel that's going to break easily through the dirt. But a metal spoon will break and will afterward. Then I realized something, I was holding a shovel. Not plastic shovel, Wooden and Metal or maybe steel I don't know how they make shovels. Maybe I'm holding a murder weapon Or the thing that made an unmarked grave.

        I'm probably overthinking this, I digress though I need to do something before rocks are thrown, They used to throw a bunch of pebbles at me and Put sand in my hair, I mean they still do but I got somewhat smart? I should probably stop talking about myself though I do feel better. I made my way to the girl I feel like I was stalling this for some weird reason. It felt like one of those anime moments where a second is like 2 hours and a flashback is playing. I quickly figured out I'm filled with fear and anxiety. My whole life I have not talked to a decent person. My mother does not count! now I'm just going through what if. what if she's not nice. what if she hates the way I smell. what if etc etc etc.

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