Suicde diarys

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Hi this is my first book and it's probably bad and I don't really care about punctuation say you stop when ever you won't

" hi my name is Mariana and this is my diary read on to find out who found me dead and found my diary there is some crazy stuff in my diary so watch OUT.

Dear diary

I've only been in school for one hour and I've already gotten a black eye.god please someone help me now I no this entry might Be boring but nothing exiting happens in my life.yeah so today is the first day and my first class starts in an hour by the way I'm in the toilet by the way I'm all ways Here because this is the only safe place that people don't beat me. Every where I go I see people with bats,balls,pens and a axe all I won't is a friend and I can't even have that we'll I have one best friend her name is Lilly I see her every day she is the most popular girl in my school but she pretends to not to be my friend in school. But out of school where like really close you no I use to be popular until I slept with a jerk Anderson bland he is like hot as and then he went around the school say that I was lame even though he was mouning any bye first class in 10 mins bye xoxoxoxo.

As her first class start every time the teacher turns around she gets rocks thrown at her head the mr my rapper sees the rocks he send me to the principals office.

Ya no mr rapper is cute he lied to the principal and said he was 22 years old but actually he is my age 16 years old the worst age in history and by the way I have a crush on him I can't tell on him he would go to jail for 2 years and if he does I won't have anyone to star at during class. Lol even though he is my teacher people actually call me pretty smart but only out of school any way I'm in bio and I'm with mr rapper again well I'm with him all day.

" hey Mariana i heard ya love mr rapper" said Sami " really who said that ya dumb girlfriend" said Mariana "uh"said Sami .

Dear diary

bio is finally finished and it is lunch time people stole my lunch so I have to starve after they stole my lunch they liked me for my cooking by the way they where nerds and jokes yeah I no you never expect jokes and nerds to like each other lol actually nothing to laugh about back to my horrible life. Can't people just leave me alone every corner I just I see Sami with a hole entire gang and they where looking for me as soon as they saw me I had to run luckily I found a basement i no right who new we had a basement any way I have to get to my science class.

Okay guys today I will be letting Sami teach our class today so I will be sitting with you guys so i no what you have learnt. " UM OKAY I'll tell you the truth I no nothing about science " said Sami "okay um Mariana would you like to... NO WAY I'll get bashed for being smart" " can you just STOP thinking negative for once" said Sami "why do you care" said Mariana "I dunno" said Sami.

Dear diary

I can't believe Sami was being nice to me well actually sarcastic but still it feels good BYE XOXOXOX

Dear diary

It's been really awesome for past two weeks I've had so much fun I can't believe that the cool people are being nice to me for this long I feel so loved and a guy asked me out but I said no because he is ugly and all I really love having attention if this weren't for my smartness I would probably killed my self by now but I no this happiness will end some day anyway by I have bio class and before I go I hate mr rapper I'll tell you everything later bye xoxoxo.

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