A New Life

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Matt looked all around him as he rode toward the Ashton Academy. He could still barely believe that he was riding in a stretch limousine, or that in the space of 48 hours he had gone from being a penniless orphan to a multi-Billionaire. But here he was, clad in his knew school uniform charcoal pants white shirt, red tie and a red blazer with a school crest on the lapel. He said in the forward-facing back leather upholstered seat with his back pack next to his foot. He fidgeted with the ornate fire opal ring on his finger.

"are your really sure that I should be going to the Ashton Academy, Henry?" he asked his butler, who was sitting on the long leather bench seat perpendicular to his own.

"Of course, I'm sure, Master Matthias." He answered as he poured Matthias the drink of water he had asked for. "you have as much right to attend that school as anyone there."

"Except I grew up in an orphanage," said Matt taking the drink, "I'm not use to all this." He gestured to the fact that he was drinking his water out of an ornate wine glass."

Henry smiled reassuringly at the boy.

"You'll be fine!" he said.

Just then the Limo pulled up outside the school's main building. Henry got out and held the door for Matthias. Matt climbed out putting his backpack on his shoulder. He looked around. There were several kids his own age around they were all wearing uniforms like his and most of them had backpacks too.  Several girls started whispering together when they saw him and several of the guys stared.

Obviously they had heard about him. Matt supposed that was to be expected after all it wasn't everyday that the missing heir to a Multi-billion-dollar fortune showed up alive and well.

Matt walked into the building after saying goodbye to Henry and his Driver Moira Shrevenitz or Mo for short.

He walked down the hallway toward the admin office. He needed to get his new locker number.  The head of the Admin office was a veteran butt kisser and did everything but Kowtow while Matt was in the office. Getting his new locker number 248 he started down the hall to find it.

He rounded the corner and came upon a girl with long auburn hair in a ponytail that hung down past the center of her back. She was being backed into her locker by a smug looking guy with sandy colored hair. The strangest thing was that everybody including a couple of teachers that were nearby seemed to by ignoring what was going on.

"When are you and I gonna go out on that date?!" he asked leaning forward on his arm against the locker.

"About half past never, Bryce!" snapped the girl she grabbed her books and started to walk away. He grabbed her arm.

"Don't walk away, I'm not done with you yet!" he growled.

"Yes, you are," snapped Matt walking toward them, "The lady said no!"

"Mind your own Business!" snapped Bryce.  Matthias was already scanning the jerk's mind. He gave Bryce a cold stare.

"Listen and Listen good Bryce Waller," said Matt his voice taking on a deeper eerie quality, "You are going to get out of here and you are never going to bother this girl again; because, if you do, your father, Barton Waller, is going to find out that it was you and your idiot friends that broke the windshield on his precious speed boat!"

The fight drained out of Bryce and his face went pale. Without another word he turned and hurried away.

The girl turned and looked at Matt impressed, "How did you do that?"

Matt turned to her and blue eyes met brown ones.

"you wouldn't believe me if I told you," said Matt, "by the way I'm Matthias Cranston "Matt" to my friends!"

"Hi," she said Happily, "I'm Anna Lang."

"Glad to meet you!" said Matt. Shaking hands.

Matt then noticed that Locker 248 was right there next to Anna's looker which was 247! He opened his locker, stashed his backpack and got out his history book.

He started walking toward his history class. Then he noticed that Anna was walking along right next to him.

"Where are you headed?" he asked Casually

"Same Class as you," she said, motioning to the history book in his hand, "and you know what, there is something about you Matt Cranston that tells me that the safest place in this school is right next to you!"

                Matt smiled as he regarded his new friend. She was very pretty and had a bright smile. You might describe her as perky.

                "Well if that means you want to be friends, great!" replied Matt

                They went to history class Matt sat down at the third desk in the forth row. Anna sat down right next to him.

                The class passed uneventfully and so did the next one. Then it was time for lunch. Matt and Anna walked into the school cafeteria. It was more like a gourmet restaurant, a professional chef and a five-star meal.

                Matt got steak and a vegetable and sat down to eat. A few minutes later Anna appeared with her food she sat down and started eating her own steak.

                "So, I heard that you were missing for quite a while?" said Anna, "What happened, that is if you don't mind me asking. Of course, if you do I totally understand!"

                "No no," said Matt, "It's Okay. The truth is that My parents died in a car accident when I was three, so I don't really remember them. I spend the last eleven years in Hillman Hall an orphanage in Brooklyn. A few days ago, I escaped and found my way to my family home only to find out I'm quite wealthy."

                "Wow," she said, "That's some story!"

                "Yeah," he said, "I suppose it is!"

                "Hillman Hall, I've heard of that Orphanage," said Anna, "My father is Media Mogul, I guess you could say, and he says that Orphanage has been investigated more times any other in the country!"

                "That's probably true!" replied Matt, "the lady that runs the place, Velda Morton, she seems to have connections that tip her off when she's being investigated or inspected. So, the people that show up only see what she wants them to see!"

                "Well, that explains why those investigations have never been able to make anything stick!" said Anna

                Matt nodded, "I hope to change that," he said, "but I know that in order to do that I have to get rid of Velda Morton's Moles on the orphan board and the police department!"

                "Well after what I just saw you do to Bryce I'm sure you'll find away!" Said Anna.

                There was another pause in the conversation as they ate some more of their food. Suddenly Anna said,

                "Bryce thinks he can get away with anything because his father is one of this school's biggest supporters and in a way he's right. The people around here are afraid of not getting his father's annual donations."

                Matt looked at her surprised.

                "Why did you just tell me that?!" he asked

                "Because you asked me why everybody was ignoring what happened with Bryce earlier!" said Anna puzzled.

                "No, I didn't," said Matt, "But I was thinking it!!"

                TBC...Third Chapter finally! Let me know what you think. I welcome feedback!

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 10, 2018 ⏰

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