The Escape

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Matt put the journal in his pocket and stood up. It was his anyway, so why shouldn't he keep it. He stood up and walked over to the window and looked out it was now nighttime. For as long as he could remember there were bars across this window. Most kids that got locked up here, figured there was no way out of here.

Then he remembered his apparent gift. Maybe it could get him past these bars! Matt studied the bars and realized they weren't anchored to the wall itself, but rather the bars were welded into a steel frame that was bolted to the outside of the window opening.

Matt opened the window and concentrated on the bolts. He was amazed when the bolt, he was looking at, began to turn and unscrew. Bolt after bolt unscrewed and came loose until finally the whole frame came lose and hovered in midair before him. Matt reached out through the window and grabbed the frame. Turning it diagonal he pulled it into the room and sat it quietly on the floor.

Climbing out the window onto the narrow ledge, he looked up and saw the edge of the brick railing that surrounded the flat roof of the building. It looked like he would have to jump for it. He concentrated on the railing, but before he could jump. He suddenly shot straight up to the railing he grabbed it his mind racing!

"I can lift myself with my own telekinesis!" he thought. Concentrating again he lifted himself up and over the railing. As soon as his feet touched the roof he took off across the roof. When he reached the edge of the roof he stopped.

"What am I doing?!" he said to himself, "I should be able to use my power to get down."

He concentrated and lifted himself up over the room and floated down to the street below. Slipped out of the alley and into the crowed on the street he headed away from the orphanage as fast as he could without arousing suspicion.

Once he was sure was safely away from the Orphanage a loud growl from his stomach reminded him that he had another problem. He was very hungry! He hadn't eaten anything all day! He walked on not sure how he could get something to eat. He had been so focused on escaping that he forgot everything else. All he had in his pocket was the journal.

He crossed the street and entered the park. Sitting down on a bench under a street lamp he pulled out the journal and began to look through it again. One page of the journal spoke of a secret place called the Sanctum. Memorizing the coordinates, he decided to try and find the sanctum maybe it would at least be a place to stay. He took off. When he got to where the coordinates sent him, he found nothing!

There was nothing there just a building! He pulled out the journal and checked again. The coordinates were right. Then underneath the coordinates he saw a phrase.

The clouded mind sees nothing.

"I wonder," said Matt to himself, "He closed his eyes, then opened them and looked again. It seemed like reality changed. Shadows billowed and dissipated before his eyes and there appeared a dead-end Alley between the two buildings at was apparently invisible to everyone else and had been for some time.

He walked into the alley disappearing from the view of the street.

"My great grandfather has telepathically programmed the entire city and left them clouded So they couldn't see this place!" said Matt in wonder. "he must have figured out a way to alter there brainwaves so that they passed it on to their children without even knowing it!"

"But wait a minute," he muttered to himself looking around again, "Does that mean that this alley is the sanctum?!"

"That's kind of a let down." He muttered leaning on what used to be the bottom flight of stairs for an old fire escape. As soon as he did that the piece of metal that his hand was on shifted down like a switch!

Matt jumped and pulled his hand back in surprise. The switch, the piece of metal, snapped back into place! There was a brick on pavement scrubbing sound as a door sized section of the brick wall slid back and a staircase unfolded downward!

Matt slowly walked down the staircase and into a passage behind the wall. He found another more obvious switch inside the passage and when he pulled it, it closed the entrance behind him. He continued along the passage through another door and down a spiraling metal stair case into a place that looked like a library or drawing room for someone out of the 40's except for the expensive computer set up on the desk.

"My father must have had the power," he said, "he must have used this place!" he sat down and began searching the desk. Inside the middle drawer he was delighted to find a money clip with several hundreds, fifties, twenties and tens!"

The first thing he did was go out and get himself a couple of burgers. Then he set about setting up house keeping in the Sanctum. As he ate he began to look at the books on the shelves most of them were science and history. Some of them were Greek but he ones that really caught his interest were the ones that talked about how to develop the powers that Matt was already exhibiting.

He read until he fell asleep in the big reclining armchair that was there by the bookshelf. When he woke up the next morning he went out and got some breakfast then came back to the Sanctum. In one hand he carried a bag with the biscuits and hotcakes he bought and in the other a newspaper. As he ate he read the paper.

There was no mention of his escape. Granted it wasn't likely that a runaway orphan was a frontpage story, but it was probably also true that Velda would keep it as quiet as possible.

Matt read the paper and some more of the books. He began to work on developing the power he had and learning to cloud minds. The ability came to him much faster than he thought it would!

After a while he decided to take a break. He began searching the desk again. And that's when he found it. it was a new journal that had been started by his own father. The final entry read:

I know that my son will one day take my place as the shadow as I took my father's place and he his father before him. My son has powers that he is not as of yet aware of! I strongly suspect that he may be one of the most powerful shadow walkers who ever lived!

Matt let his father's words sink in.

"So, I've had these powers all along I just wasn't aware of them until now!" he said to himself. As he searched the journal he found an address on the inside of the front cover of the book. It was a few miles north of the sanctum. Curious he left the sanctum and took the subway up the entrance closest to the address.

At the address he found a beautiful white stone mansion behind a gate! He approached the gate he clouded the guard and passed by unseen. He unlocked the front the door and walked inside. Still "In the Shadows" he walked into the great room. The first thing that caught his eye was the portrait of his parents above the fireplace. In it his father was standing behind an armchair his mother was sitting in the armchair holding a baby in his arms. He was so distracted "Seeing" his parents again that he became visible.

"Welcome home, Master Matthias," said a voice behind him

Matt whirled around and came face to face with a butler who was wearing a red fire opal ring!

"You know me?!" said Matt

"I was one of your father's agents as well as his Major Domo and now yours. This house and the Cranston's 20 billion dollars is all yours now!"

TBC....Please let me know what you think, and thank you for the reads and votes specifically thank you to MusicisLife68 and Kimberly1612 for the comments and the support!

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