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There is thumping upstairs. Yes. Thumping in my guest bedroom. I was pretty sure Pride was fucking the dog shit out of Ego. And the worst part of it is our lives depended on Ego's ass being good enough for Pride to want to release our collars. They couldn't wait. That's what Pride said. After all these years of being separate from Ego they needed a moment alone to...talk.

"FUCK ME! HARDER!" Ego is screaming through the walls.

I can't believe it. It's so fucking awkward as the rest of us hear Ego getting what seems like the dick of life.

"Do you guys want any refreshments? Water...ice tea?" Ardor asks.

Ardor is trying to just break the ice. Craving literally pulls him towards the kitchen to get him out of the way, "Baby we are just waiting for Pride to make his reunion with Ego upstairs. We need to stay out of the way OK?"

"I was just being polite."

"Not really sure this situation calls for ice tea, Ardor."

He breaks the silence. The mood in the room is tense. I'm on my couch. Urge is on my left. Wrath is on my right. Between the three of us there are three guns, a shotgun, a ninja sword, and a sickle that Urge pulled from God knows where.

Across from us is the group that came with Pride. They look like degenerates. Most of them were in street clothes. In the subway they seemed like a motorcycle gang but they have a real...trashy...look about them. A lot of them dressed in a real homely manner. I swear I wouldn't be surprised if some of them were homeless. It ranged from motorcycle jackets to rags. Some of them look familiar. I'd fought them in the subway station.

One of them sticks out. One of them I remember.

"I almost killed you in the subway," the guy says.

I remember him. He's the guy with a chain. I remember him from the subway. Most of the people I've met in the Assembly were beautiful, almost to a fault. Almost as though they were designed in a laboratory. That included all the people I woke up with when I was taken by the Quartermaster. This guy is different. He has a huge burn mark across his face that I hadn't recognized before. It's disfigured him almost completely. Looking at the others a lot of them seemed disfigured in some of way. They had more battle wounds than we did...that was for sure.

"You almost did what?" Urge asks, his eyes glaring at the man who spoke, "To who?"

Urge leans forward. He scoots up. Pride's people get on edge. Their eyes shoot over to Urge. They have weapons on them. Not ninja weapons. Not the sophisticated collection that Urge kept around his house. They've come with chains, bats, sawed-off shotguns, 4X4s and a bunch of other improvised weapons.

"Urge..." I say trying to calm him down.

He looks over at me.

Wrath starts laughing, "I want to know the answer to the question too. Hey Leatherface. Yeah. You. You got a big mouth, don't you? What did you almost do to Desire?"

Wrath's sinister smile gets wider. He's itching at his ninja sword.

The guy with the burned face said, "Ask Desire. He'll tell you what I almost did?"

"Almost doesn't count," Wrath asks with a smile, "How about you try again?"

I give Wrath a stare, "That's enough!"

"Who are these two, your guard dogs?" the burned man asks, causing a bunch of his companions to start laughing, "What are they, sister-wives? Hey Snobbery. Snob...what's that show you used to watch back in the day?"

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