Alternate Ending-2

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Just wanted to establish again that this is an alternate ending. So Sirus NEVER kicked Esmerelda out of the kingdom and separated her from Thorian after all of what happened with the Vampyr King. This is an ALTERNATE ENDING. It's just for fun, this is what COULD HAVE happened if Sirus never kicked Esmerelda out. Enjoy😊


"Chelsea please you have to take it easy."

My friend was currently attempting to walk after just giving birth just a mere hour or two ago. The maids were quick to take the little baby girl from her and wash her in the basin.

A groan came from Chelsea's lips. "I want Rowan. I know you cannot hear him but he is furious." She was smiling with tears in her eyes. Chelsea had used words in childbirth that I never think I have used. No that is a lie, I have used them when cursing Sirus but that was probably it.

"He will be released soon," I told her as I thought about how he and Sirus were faring. Sirus was all too happy to take his cousin down to the chambers to lock him away while Chelsea gave birth. Supposedly they did that to Sirus when I birthed Thorian. I did not remember most of my birthing process, except for pain.

A shrill little cry made me turn my head from my friend to the little child bundled up in a maid's arms. "Chelsea you never said what her name is."


"Esa.." What type of name was Esa? It was entirely too short and it did not give way for much meaning...but if it made her happy I would support this. I only hoped Rowan supported the name also.

"Yes, it was my mother's name. All I know of her really is her name, so that is what I will call my daughter..."

If I were to have another child I would want her name to be my mothers name. I understand what she is saying. But I will never have another child. Thorian is enough for me...For us.

As soon as I was about to hold the little fussy Esa, a knock came to the door. One of the maids cracked it open and I could hear words being spoken. The maid quickly shut the door then turned around to me, bowing. "My Queen the teacher from Histania is here for Prince Edwin."

Oh my. Today is the day? Where did the time fly? "And also Prince Thorian is hungry." Of course Thorian was hungry. He was 13 months now. He had regular food and milk to drink from constantly. Sirus has forced his wet nurse to stop feeding him from her breast, but I refused to let him stop drinking from mine. Although he had teeth now which sometimes hurt I would let him feed from me till he was ready to stop. Plus they were not finished fully growing in.

I glanced to Chelsea, to see her dozing off to sleep. "I will be back to check on you later, yes?"

She smiled at me, murmuring my name. I am sure she is so calm because of whatever concoction Hilda has given her...

"Lead me to my son and my brother," I ordered the maid as she gently bowed before we were on our way. I was exhausted. Nightmares often kept me awake but usually, I would be comforted with Thorian in my bed or even Edwin. Rarely Sirus was allowed to help. He always seemed to make things worse at nighttime...even if he attempted at making it better.

Strolling into the room, I saw two maids on the floor with my little brother and son. The moment I entered the room I smiled at my son. He was hitting Edwin with a stuffed toy...then he suddenly paused. He lifted his head up in the air and his little nose wiggled.

"Mumumumum..." he mumbled as he rose to his little feet and teetered over to me. He grabbed the hem of my dress and pulled hard, clutching the fabric tightly.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 25, 2019 ⏰

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