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Back at the hospital things wasn't looking good for lexis, she was damaged pretty badly. She had tubes coming from her side to her mouth and head, her dad was flying in along with Mani.

Kevin spread the word to everybody and half were on they way or on the internet trying get clout off lexis even though she was family, they didn't care they just wanted attention for the moment.

Kentrell on the other hand came straight to the hospital when he found out, he thought he was the blame but he wasn't, even Tyler, jiggalo were there.

When kentrell first saw her he barley could recognize her she was messed up that bad, he was sick to his stomach he didn't know how to deal with this.

After an hour everybody was there even kentrell family , but Kevin wasn't getting a long with kentrell they would argue ever now and then, kentrell didn't know what was his problem he figured he'll find out once everybody leave.

" Family of Lexis Patterson ? " The doctor called out and everybody got up fast.

" I been aware you guys already seen Ms.Patterson and now you may be confused on what's going on so here I am to give you updates. " He said and everybody nodded waiting on him to finish.

" Well it's look to see she been in a very bad car accident, when the car flipped over we see she hit her head pretty hard on something which cause blood loss from her brain. " He stated.

" So basically you trying say is she in cardiac arrest ? " Peaches said eyeing the doctor she knew this all too well, the same thing happened to her grandma.

" Correct. " He said looking at her and she sighs. " Wow.. " She said shaking her head.

" I'm confused, peaches what he saying ? "

" if there is no blood pumping to the brain she won't survive, yes her heart pumping blood but if it can't go up there then there nothing we can do but just pray for the best and nine times out of ten nobody survives cardiac arrests. " She said loudly so everybody can hear and there was light chatter afterwards in the back.

" Right right, she is all right and you guys are welcome to see her anytime you want and we do have a family guest room for you guys to sleep at if you want to stay, food and drinks are provided, stay prayed up. " He said walking away to where he came from.

" Kentrell and Kevin let me have a word with you two for a second. " Norah said catching they attention, Kevin just glare at him while walking.

She stopped and turned around to them and just shake her head. " Whatever it is I want it too stop, that baby is laying on her death bed and all you too want to do is fuss, I'm very disappointed in both you two, that lil girl need us more then anything and if u can't put your foohliess aside then you both need a good ole ass whooping. Now, act like adults and pray for this baby, one day you can be here and the next gone. Bye. " She said walking off back into the crowd to pray.

Kentrell just sighs looking over at Kevin, he still was upset he just couldn't believe the man who killed his wife was standing next to him he thought he was acting to calm about the whole situation.

" We need to talk, when we leave here we talking or I'm killing you. " Kevin said walking away slowly.

" Killing me? I don't think lexis would be too happy about that when she finds out. " He said. Kevin stopped and turn around smirking. " You think I give a fuck about her being happy ? This about me. " He said walking away to mani.


Starr was sneaking into lexis room to take pictures, Bri was at the hospital and was telling her all the details on what happened to lexis. Kentrell never found out Bri and lexis got into a big argument now Starr and Bri was teaming together to take her down, the family was out having breakfast after seeing lexis of course.

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