How A Girl Hits On You (Year 6)

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By; Bazzi

Hogwarts 6th Year

Hermione's POV

Diagon Ally

Weasleys Wizard Wheezes

"Hermione?" Ginny called. "Yes 'Gin?" 

"DO you still like ferret boy?" Ginny giggled. "Yes?" I smiled down at my 'Granger' necklace that he gave. Gosh, I cant wait to see him again. "Oh my Merlin! Did he give you that?!" Ginny gasped grinning like an idiot. 

I nod. The red head burst into giggles. 

"What's that pink stuff over there?" Ginny asked tugging my arm. "I don't know why don't we check it ou-"  

"Let's go 'Mione!" 

I took one of the heart shape bottles examining it, and so did Ginny. Love Potion? 

"Hello ladies!" The Weasley twins said at the same time. 

"Love potions, eh?" George smirked. I grimaced and slowly turned to look at him. "Yeah they really do work." George nodded. Fred agreed. 

Ginny and I turn back to the bottles. I don't need this. Do I? 

"Well the way we do hear you sis, you'll do just fine on your own." Fred teased. "Really?" Ginny smiled. 

"Aren't you not currently dating Dean Thomas?" Fred asked. "It's none of your business." Ginny said to her brothers. 

I, for some reason look around anxiously. I spot Cormac staring at me. No. Not staring. Checking me out.  I put the love potion back awkwardly and went to find Ginny.

"Ginny why didn't you tell me about Dean?!" I whispered. "I'm sorry Hermione. I just didn't want you to judge me." Ginny said looking down at her feet. "Ginny, you can tell me anything. I told you I liked Draco, and you didn't judge me. I have not right to tell you who or what you want to date. Do I make myself clear?"  I smiled. Ginny looked at me and attacked me with a hug. 

"What would I do without you?" Ginny mumbled.

 "Nothing. Absolutely nothing."

A few Mintues Later

First we where with the Weasley twins, somehow it ended with Harry, Ron, and I spying on Draco.

Hogwarts Express

"So, what was Draco doing with that weird looking cabinet. And who where those people?" Ron asked.

"Don't you see? It was a ceremony, an initiation." Harry reasoned. 

"Stop it Harry. I know where you're going with this." 

"He's one of them." Harry tried again. I can't deal with this rubbish! Just let me read! Ron looked confused. 

"Harry's under the impression that Draco Malfoy is a death eater." I explained. I stopped paying attention. It can't be that Draco is a death eater. I don't believe it. 

"I told you. I don't know what I saw." I said trying not to sound annoyed. 

Draco's POV

"Come Draco. Sit down." Pansy called me over. Pansy moved over for room, for Blaise.

I sat down and scowled. "Hogwarts. What a pathetic excuse for a school. I think I'd pitch myself off the Astronomy Tower before I continue for another 2 years." 

"What's that supposed to mean?" Pansy asked concerned. "I just have continue to waste my time in Charms class next year." 

Blasie began to laugh. "Amused Blaise?" I asked looking at him. What the fuck. "Let's just see who's laughing in the end." I said with a serious face.

Later That Evening

I was making my way to the Great Hall when I saw Granger. She looked beautiful as ever. I guess I wasn't looking where I was going, so I fell. I guess you can say I fell for Granger. 

"Malfoy! Are you alright." Granger saw what happened and ran up to me. "Be careful you idiot." She said helping me up. "How did you fall?" She asked. 

"For you." I smirked. Granger blushed a little which made my smirk grow bigger. I saw she was wearing the necklace I gave her last year. I felt my heart flutter. 

"You're wearing the necklace I gave you?" I state quietly. "Why of course. It's wonderful." Granger smiled at me. I returned a small one. 

"Have you seen Harry. It's seems like he is missing." Granger scratched her head. I honestly found it cute. "No. Sorry Granger, I haven't seen Pot face anywhere." I lied. I felt bad lying to her. 

"Well thank you Malfoy." She smiled and went into the Great Hall.

Blaise's POV

I was eating when I noticed Hermione glaring at Weasley, holding her book tightly. 

"Will." Hit.

"You." Hit. Hit.

"Stop." Hit. Hit. Hit.

"Eating!" Hit. Hit. Hit. Hit. Hit.

"Your best friend's missing!" HIT.

She then dropped her book on the table.

"Blimey. Turn around you lunatic." Weasley gestured behind her. Hermione gladly turned around.

I found this whole thing funny. I began to laugh uncontrollably. "Are you okay Blaise?" Pansy asked. "He doesn't look okay." Theo said taking a sip of water. 

"Wes.... eat.... hit..... Hermione..... lunatic." That was all I could squeeze out before laughing hard again. I could feel the tears running down my cheeks. 

After a good 5 mintues of dying, I finally said "Now that's how a girl hits on you."  They gave me weird looks, but I shook it off.

I chuckle lightly. Oh Hermione.

The Next Day

Hermione's POV

"I'll see you later Ginny."  I waved as Ginny made her way to her class. I really hate when the corridors where crowded. It makes getting to class way harder. Plus there's a higher chance of being late! 

I decided to make a bold choice. I began to run pushing past people running to get to Potions. Thank luck that it was easy to do so, didn't want students to end up in the Hospital Wing. 

Suddenly, I ran into someone's back really hard. It was so hard, that I fell back. To my surprise, someone caught me. Draco Malfoy. 

"You alright there Granger? Falling for me again are you, eh?" A smirk played on his lips. "Is your back okay? I was trying to get to class." I said playing myself up properly. 

"Of course you were trying to get to class." He chuckled lightly. "And my back's perfectly fine. Like the rest of me." Malfoy winked and pecked me on the cheek before disappearing in with the rest of the crowed. 

"Hey Hermione!" Pansy smiled walking up to me. I smile turning to her. "Wanna walk to class together?" She asked. "Of course. We have to pretend to hate each other when we get there, right?" I asked. Pansy nods. 


We stood around the table as Professor. Slughorn taught. I look around the class for my idiotic best friends. No luck. 

Where the Helena Hufflepuff Hell are they?! I stared at Malfoy a little, when he caught me he smirked. UGH! Stupid cute smirk!

A Few Minutes Later

Harry and Ron finally decide to show up!

"Ron Weasley, sir-" Ron introduced but I didn't want to hear it. I saw Lavender Brown sigh looking at Ron rather lovingly. I raised an eyebrow at her. She didn't seem to noticed. I roll my eyes turning back to Harry and Ron.

A Project On Mother And Father's Story ~~Dramione~~Where stories live. Discover now