Big Fat Hippogriff (Year 3)

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By; Maroon 5

Hogwarts 3rd Year

Hermione's POV

(Weekend Before School Starts)

The Grangers's House

I decided I wanted to have my Slytherin buds, Slytherin-into my house. Astoria's mom and Pansy's mom had no problem coming, it's a different story for Blaise and Theo though. 

Noticed I didn't mention Draco? I didn't even bother to invite him. I know he wouldn't come anyways. Blaise and Theo had to sneak. Mostly Theo. Blaise's grandma is sweet and doesn't care about blood status. My mom doesn't mind boys coming over Thank God. 

We can't go to my room if it's just me and a boy. Only if there's like a big-ish group with multiple girls. 

We where sitting in a circle on the floor chatting, when a burning question in the back of my head had been pushed out of my head and out of my mouth. 

"What's wrong with Malfoy?" I asked. "What do you mean?" Theo asked.  "Wait... Malfoy, as in Draco Malfoy?" Astoria asked. I nod. 

"The one and only." Blaise laughed.

"The bloody blonde can't keep his eyes off himself when he sees a mirror." Blaise said rolling his eyes then chuckling.

"You and him both, mate." Theo said giving him an up head slap. Blaise blew a raseberry back. Everyone burst out laughing.

"He's a family friend, if you guys where wondering." Astoria smiled. 

"Anyways, what do you mean 'What's wrong with Malfoy?'" Theo repeated. "He has like an on and off switch." I said. "Well 'Mione, everyone has an on and off switch. If you know what I mean." Blaise winked. "Why? Do you turn him on, then suddenly he's turned off?" Theo asked.

"NO! You guys!" I whined. "And girls." Pansy said through fake coughs. "I mean he's sweet and all one day, and the next day he would be such a complete git!" I reasoned. "He'd complement me then, sooner or later he'd insult me. His insults hurt a lot sometimes. Like when he called me a..." I trailed. "Mudbood." Pansy finished. 

"He's like that because he's being watched. His father was against the idea of being friends with a muggle born so he sent Goyle to watch him and possibly more. Mr. Malfoy believes that muggles have dirty blood and, he thinks you should treat them like filth. He abuses Draco when he dis-obeys or randomly. It's an act you see, like he's an actor. He's a really nice person in front of the people he trust and care for, but when everyone else is around he puts on a bad boy mask." Theo explained. 

"Sometimes even when you're all alone with him, he'd keep the act." Blaise added.

"By the way, we have to do the same thing." Pansy reminded. I furrow my eyebrows. "I mean we have to be mean to you too. Just please don't take offense." Pansy pleaded. I nod with a weak smile.

That makes a lot more sense. "So, don't get offended if he insults you. Remember it's all an act." Theo reminded. I nod. 

"His insults just really hurt."

"Ok, I know I'm gonna sound like a complete prick head but..." Blaise said grinning. Merlin just say it! I raise an eyebrow at him. "Blaise fucking Zabini you tell her right now!" Pansy yelled. Crap. She swore. Must of pulled her strings. Blaise gulped. 

"Why do you care?" He asked earning an up head slap from Theo. I furrowed my eyebrows. "What do you mean?" Astoria asked. "Well I care because he's an on and off friend. I'd also like to know why he's insulting and nice at the same time." I explained sighing. 

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